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Ilocos Region’s Fisheries Production Decreases in Third Quarter 2023

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Reference Number: 2024-015

The overall fisheries production in the region recorded 33,510.41 metric tons in third quarter 2023, or 11.08 percent lower than the volume of fisheries output in third quarter 2022. It contributed 3.29 percent to the 1,017,504.40 metric tons of fisheries production in the country.

Pangasinan contributes 89.58 percent to the region’s production

In third quarter 2023, Pangasinan accounted for 89.58 percent of the fisheries production in the region. The overall volume of production of the province was estimated at 30,018.61 metric tons. Ilocos Sur had a share of 4.23 percent or an output of 1,417.67 metric tons. Meanwhile, La Union and Ilocos Norte shared 4.00 percent and 2.19 percent, respectively, to the total fisheries production in the region.

All provinces contributed in the decrease of fisheries production

By province, Pangasinan recorded a decrement of 9.36 percent in third quarter 2023 from the 33,119.82 metric tons of production in third quarter 2022. Moreover, Ilocos Sur, La Union, and Ilocos Norte posted decrements in output compared to their respective levels in the same quarter of 2022 by 10.08 percent, 26.71 percent, and 36.85 percent, respectively.

All subsector of fisheries production in the region recorded a decrement

By subsector, the total output of aquaculture registered a decrement in third quarter 2023 of 8.52 percent from 30,958.20 metric tons in third quarter 2022. It has a contribution of 84.51 percent to the total volume of the region’s fisheries production.

Municipal fisheries production registered an output of 3,720.38 metric tons in third quarter 2023. This was lower by 25.53 percent from the 4,996.06 metric tons in third quarter 2022 and has 11.10 percent share to the total fisheries production in the region.

Commercial fisheries recorded 1,470.09 metric tons, a decrease of 15.17 percent from the output in third quarter 2022. Commercial fishing contributed 4.39 percent share to the total fisheries production in the region.

Milkfish registered the highest production in the region

The top five species contributing to the total fisheries production of the Ilocos Region in third quarter 2023 were milkfish, yellowfin tuna, roundscad, and tilapia.

Milkfish had the biggest production contributing 82.17 percent of the total volume of fisheries production in third quarter 2023. However, it decreased by 8.94 percent from the 30,240.27 metric tons output in third quarter 2022.

Production of yellowfin tuna in the region was recorded at 852.97 metric tons, an increase of 28.73 percent compared to its level in the same quarter of 2022.

Production of roundscad was estimated at 829.23 metric tons, decreased by 2.49 percent in third quarter 2023. Skipjack output also declined by 9.27 percent with a production of 583.83 metric tons. Meanwhile, production of tilapia recorded 451.08 metric tons went down by 3.39 percent.


Regional Director, RSSO I

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