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PSA – RSSO I begins field operation for 2023 ULE and 2022 CAF (Non-households)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-019
The Philippine Statistics Authority –  Regional Statistical Services Office I (PSA – RSSO I) and its four Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) started the field operation for the  2023 Updating of the List of Establishments (2023 ULE) as well as the conduct of its rider activity, the distribution and collection of the  2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (2022 CAF) questionnaires for non-household units.

The 2023 ULE aims to provide an updated and reliable sampling frame for the census and surveys of establishments and enterprises. The said activity will involve door-to-door canvassing of establishments covering all barangays nationwide to update the status of operation and characteristics of those establishments in the List of Establishments (LE) as of 31 March 2023. This is also done to capture and determine the characteristics of "new" establishments or those not yet in the LE for inclusion in the register.

On the other hand, the CAF is a large-scale government undertaking that is geared towards the collection and compilation of basic information on the agricultural and fishery sectors in the Philippines.

The operation for both activities commenced on 02 May 2023 until
31 July 2023.

In line with this, the PSA enjoins all establishment business units to support the conduct of the 2023 ULE and 2022 CAF by providing the required information. Authorized PSA interviewers will visit establishments to conduct personal interview. In the case where personal interview is not possible, options to provide information through other modes are available such as Self-Administered Questionnaire in either printed form or fillable-pdf format and Accomplishment of Online Inquiry Form.


Regional Director, RSSO I