In 2024, Pangasinan's total livestock and poultry inventory stood at 31,170,590 heads, consisting of 1,664,160 heads of livestock and 29,506,430 heads of poultry. The inventory figures vary across quarters, with the highest total inventory recorded in Quarter 3, with 10,388,785 heads, for the year 2024. (Table 1)

The livestock sector, which consists of Carabao, Cattle, Goats, and Swine, had a total of 1,664,160 heads across Quarters 1 to 4 of 2024. The province reported its highest livestock inventory in Quarter 1, reaching 446,262 heads. This was followed by 444,071 heads in Quarter 2, and 414,165 heads and 359,662 heads in Quarters 3 and 4, respectively.
Meanwhile, the poultry sector, comprising Chicken and Duck, recorded its highest inventory in Quarter 3, totaling 9,974,620 heads, which surpassed the inventories of the three other quarters. In the poultry sector, the Chicken inventory, totaling 29,050,822 heads from first quarter to the fourth quarter of 2024, surpassed the Duck inventory, which stood at 455,608 heads. The total Chicken inventory includes Broiler, Layer, Native/Improved and Gamefowl. Broiler made the largest contribution with 19,599,664 heads, while Native/Improved chickens accounted 7,575,798 heads. Layers and Gamefowl contributed 1,271,182 heads and 604,178 heads, respectively. (Table 1)

The total livestock production in Pangasinan, which consist of Carabao, Cattle, Hog and Goat had a total volume of production of 40,899.24 metric tons from Quarters 1 to 4 of 2024. Production steadily increased throughout the year, with the highest production recorded in the Quarter 4 at 11,732.03 metric tons. Swine emerged as the top producer, accounting for 24,710.44 metric tons. Cattle followed as the second largest producer, contributing 8,216.98 metric tons. Meanwhile, Goat and Carabao production reached 4,262.90 metric tons and 3,708.93 metric tons, respectively, rounding out the country’s livestock production for the year 2024. (Table 2)

Meanwhile, the poultry sector recorded a significant increase in production, with a total output of 57,534.75 metric tons of chicken, 6,780.65 metric tons of chicken eggs, 522.92 metric tons of duck, and 400.65 metric tons of duck eggs. The quarterly production varied, with the highest chicken production recorded in Quarter 4 at 15,839.62 metric tons, while chicken egg production peaked in the same quarter at 2,202.24 metric tons. Duck and duck egg production also showed fluctuations throughout the year, with the highest duck production recorded in Quarter 4 at 152.22 metric tons, and the highest duck egg production in the same quarter at 127.87 metric tons. (Table 3)
For further information, please contact the Pangasinan Provincial Statistical Office with telephone numbers (075) 517-4438 and 633-8075 and email address
(Officer in Charge)
Supervising Statistical Specialist
for and on behalf of:
Chief Statistical Specialist
Pangasinan Provincial Statistical Office