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Regional Statistical Development Program

The 2018-2023 Regional Statistical Development Program (RSDP) is an integral part of the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) which serves as a mechanism in generating and providing statistics needed in policy formulation, development planning and decision making by various stakeholders and data users in the region. It identifies the priority statistical development activities which will generate local level data that aid in monitoring the region’s performance towards achieving the region’s vision. 

The RSDP contains the strategic planning framework and the major SDPs and activities to be undertaken by the RSS in the next six years. These are presented in six chapters covering RSS– wide concerns and various sectoral statistics. Each chapter provides the scope and coverage of the sector, key statistical developments during 2016-2017, review of issues and challenges in the sector and the major strategies and programs with corresponding timeline and responsibilities of the agency. Hence, PSA RSSO I acknowledged the valuable support of the RSC members, TWG members and stakeholders for providing inputs in carrying out the RSDP for the region. 

RSDP Publications

Approved Date Title Attachment
2018-2023 RSDP Region 1 PDF 2018-2023 RSDP Region 1