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PSA-La Union validates aquafarms for the AI4CAF prediction maps

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-95

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – La Union Provincial Statistical Office conducted the Field Validation of Artificial Intelligence for Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (AI4CAF) Project Prediction Maps on 04 to 09 December 2023.

In August 2020, the PSA formalized a partnership with the Department of Science and Technology-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) for a joint research initiative called the Artificial Intelligence for Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (AI4CAF) Project. This project, which is implemented by the Agriculture and Fisheries Census Division (AFCD), aims to detect, map, and estimate the count and/or area of selected major crops and aquafarms in the country using earth observation (EO) data combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Remote Sensing (RS) technology. Consequently, the results from the AI4CAF Project will be used as complementary data for reference and validation of results of the 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (2022 CAF).

Moreover, the field validation for crop/aquafarm areas in eleven selected provinces and the finalization of area estimates from AI predictions aims to enhance the validation performance of the current AI models and crop signatures. Specifically, it aims to: (1)to further validate the performance of the fish cage v.2, fish pen v.18, and fishpond v.6 enhanced AI prediction models based on fourth ground truthing; (2) to measure the performance of the initial DTW prediction images of palay and sugarcane through targeted field validation of selected provinces; (3) to produce validated complementary data which will serve as reference and validation data for the 2022 CAF of selected provinces; (4) to test production and field validation of AI/DTW predicted maps and area estimates for palay/sugarcane plantations and fish cages, fish pens, and fishponds, including data comparison with some CAF results/other available data; and to capacitate Field Offices in conducting field validation/ground truthing activities.

A one-day briefing for the two hired Map Data Verifiers was conducted at the PSA-La Union Provincial Statistical Office (LUPSO) Conference Room in the City of San Fernando, La Union, on 04 December 2023. The training aimed to equip the Map Data Verifiers (MDVs) with the operational procedures necessary for the project.

The PSA assures the public that all data and information gathered by the hired personnel are solely for statistical purposes and will not be utilized for taxation or investigation. Information acquired from respondents will be treated with utmost confidentiality in accordance with Republic Act 10625.


Chief Statistical Specialist






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