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Ilocos Region's Commercial Fisheries Situation 3rd Quarter 2023

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2024-001

The Ilocos Region reported 1,470.09 metric tons of production from commercial fisheries in third quarter 2023. The record was 15.2 percent lower than the third quarter 2022 production. The region's growth was hampered by the decrease in output of Pangasinan and La Union.

Pangasinan contributed 83.9 percent of the region’s overall production at 1,233.72 metric tons. Meanwhile, Ilocos Sur shared 121.25 metric tons or 8.2 percent of the region’s production. La Union commercial fisheries production is registered at 115.12 metric tons or 7.8 percent.

In terms of growth rate, Ilocos Sur’s commercial fisheries production had spiked by 211.9 percent in the third quarter 2023. On the other hand, the production in La Union’s commercial fisheries went down by 52.6 percent. Similarly, Pangasinan had lower production at 15.0 percent.

Yellowfin Tuna was the Top Species in the Ilocos Region’s Fisheries Production during the ThirdlQuarter 2023

Yellowfin Tuna contributed more than one-third of the region’s commercial fisheries production at 533.15 metric tons or 36.3 percent of the region’s record. Meanwhile, there were 349.58 metric tons volume of catch of Skipjack and was followed closely by Roundscad at 345.69 metric tons. On the other hand, other species had 241.70 metric tons or 16.4 percent of the region's overall production

The Ilocos Region’s Top Species in Terms of Volume of Production came from Pangasinan and Ilocos Sur

Majority of the Ilocos Region’s yellowfin tuna, skipjack, and roundscad production were from Pangasinan which shared 93.4, 88.3, and 87.1 percent, respectively, of the region’s total production. Meanwhile, Ilocos Sur’s share of commercial fisheries production the top species were as follows: yellowfin tuna - 6.6 percent, skipjack - 11.7 percent, and roundscad - 12.9 percent. Moreover, Ilocos Sur’s commercial fisheries production was composed mainly of the mentioned top species.

Yellowfin Tuna Production Almost Doubled in Third Quarter 2023

In third quarter 2023, the production of yellowfin tuna had an increase of 96.2 percent from 271.70 metric tons in the same quarter in 2022. Threadfin bream, slipmouth, and skipjack also posted increases at 33.1, 25.7, and 8.1 percent, respectively. On the other hand, five species registered decreases in their production with frigate tuna having the lowest decline at 81.5 percent from 281.15 metric tons production during the third quarter 2022. Meanwhile, the production of hairtail remained the same compared with the same period in 2022.


Regional Director, RSSO I

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