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Ilocos Region's Aquaculture Production Situation in 2nd Quarter 2023

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-056

The Ilocos Region was able to produce 39,569.70 metric tons in its aquaculture subsector in the second quarter 2023. The volume improved by 8.84 per cent compared to the 36,357.15 metric tons of the same period in 2022.

The bulk of the region's aquaculture volume of production was from Pangasinan. The province contributed 34,386.47 metric tons or 86.90 percent of the region’s overall production. Meanwhile, La Union recorded 4,596.27 metric tons, equivalent to 11.61 percent of the total production. Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte contributed 425.64 and 161.31 metric tons, or 1.08 and 0.41 percent, respectively.

Marine cage shared 40.46 percent to the overall aquaculture production in the region in second quarter 2023. Its production was recorded at 16,011.78 metric tons. Brackishwater fishponds ranked second to the top contributing aquafarm type at 13,327.56 metric tons or 33.68 percent, followed by freshwater fishponds at 9,362.86 metric tons or 23.66 percent. Other farms, such as oyster farms and small farm reservoirs, contributed 867.50 metric tons (2.19 percent).

Among the top contributing aquafarms in the second quarter 2023, marine cage posted a 13.49 percent increase in production. The production went up from 14,108.53 metric tons in the second quarter of 2022 to 16,011.78 metric tons in the same period in 2023. Similarly, production in freshwater fishpond grew by 15.19 percent from 8,128.52 metric tons to 9,362.86 metric tons. On the other hand, brackishwater farms have seen decreases at 17.95 percent (pen), 9.27 percent (cage), and 0.18 percent (fishpond).

More than half of the region’s aquaculture production was milkfish, also known as bangus by locals. The said species registered 25,798.69 metric tons sharing 65.20 percent of the total production. At 11,344.98 metric tons or 28.67 percent, tilapia came in second. Meanwhile, P. Vannamei and grouper followed with 837.94 metric tons (2.12 percent) and 788.38 metric tons (1.99 percent) production, respectively. Collectively, other species, such as tiger prawns and oysters, produced 441.91 metric tons or 2.02 percent.

The top two species in the second quarter 2023 in the Ilocos Region posted production increases. Milkfish production grew by 8.84 percent, that is, from 23,704.03 metric tons in the second quarter 2022 to 25,798.69 metric tons in the same period in 2023. Similarly, tilapia production went up by 11.40 percent from 10,184.446 to 11,344.98 metric tons. However, the succeeding top contributor species: P. vannamei, grouper, and tiger prawn had decreases in production.



Regional Director, RSSO I