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The Gross Regional Domestic Expenditure (GRDE) is defined as the expenditure of residents of the region in the domestic territory plus their expenditures in other regions including the rest of the world. The GRDE is intended to complement the current series of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). The GRDE and its components are compiled and released annually. These are valued at current and constant 2018 prices.

The GRDE estimation, which is the same with the GRDP, is pegged to the national estimates. These are allocated to the regions using surveys and administrative-based data/indicators for its regional distribution.

The new series of the GRDE adopts the latest structure of the economy following the results of the overall revision and rebasing to 2018 of the annual national accounts. Among others, this covers the (1) digitalization of the economy; (2) emerging and highlighted industries and demand commodities such as information and communication, accommodation and food service activities, education, and human health and social work activities; (3) inclusion of valuables; (4) use of new classification based on the latest standards; and (5) advancement in measurement techniques and methods.

The configuration of the 2019 to 2021 GRDE is also revised in the overall revision and rebasing to highlight an additional expenditure item, which is Valuables.

  1. Household Final Consumption Expenditure

  2. Government Final Consumption Expenditure

  3. Gross Capital Formation

  4. Fixed Capital

  5. Construction

  6. Durable Equipment

  7. Breeding Stock and Orchard Development

  8. Intellectual Property Product

  9. Changes in Inventories

  10. Valuables

  11. Exports of goods and services to the Rest of the World

  12. Exports of Goods

  13. Exports of Services

  14. Imports of goods and services to the Rest of the World

  15. Imports of Goods

  16. Imports of Services

  17. Net Exports to the Rest of the Philippines

  18. Net Exports (total)