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PSA-La Union carried out the Quarterly Palay and Corn Production Surveys and Monthly Rice and Corn Stocks Survey

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2024-77

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – La Union Provincial Statistical Office conducted the Palay Production Survey (PPS) and Corn Production Survey (CPS), on 01 to 10 October 2024. In addition, the monthly Rice and Corn Stocks Survey: Household (RCSS:H), previously known as Palay and Corn Stocks Survey (PCSS), was carried out on 01 to 05 October 2024.

The PPS and CPS are conducted quarterly, while the Rice and Corn Stocks Survey: Household (RCSS:H) is conducted monthly. The PPS and CPS aim to generate estimates on palay and corn production, area, yield, and other production-related data that serve as inputs for policymaking and programs on palay and corn. Meanwhile, the RCSS: H aims to generate rice and corn stock inventories in sample households nationwide and assess the stock levels compared with the same period in the previous year, and the previous month.

The data collected for both the PCPS and RCSS:H contribute to the Value of Production in Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries and to the preparation of GDP. Additionally, these surveys support the data needs of planners, policy and decision makers, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector, including the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Agriculture (DA) and its attached agencies such as Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF), and the general public.

In 2nd quarter 2024, the key results of the PPS in La Union are the following:

  • Palay production increased by 2.00 percent in 2nd quarter 2024 at 9,827.00 metric tons compared with the production in the same period of 2023 at 9,633.89 metric tons.

  • Area harvested for palay in the province went up by 1.86 percent from 2,146.00 hectares in 2nd quarter 2023 to 2,186.00 hectares in 2nd quarter 2024.

  • Palay’s yield per hectare increased by 0.22 percent from 4.49 metric tons per hectare in 2nd quarter 2023 to 4.50 metric tons per hectare in 2nd quarter 2024.

Meanwhile, the key results of the CPS in La Union in 2nd quarter 2024 are the following:

  • The corn production in the province was posted at 11,808.50 metric tons which recorded a decrease of 1.46 percent from the 11,983.60 metric tons production in 2nd quarter 2023.

  • The area harvested for corn decreased by 0.44 percent from 2,258.00 hectares in 2nd quarter 2023 to 2,248.00 hectares in 2nd quarter 2024.

  • Corn’s yield per hectare decreased by 1.13 percent from 5.31 metric tons per hectare in 2nd quarter 2023 to 5.25 metric tons per hectare in 2nd quarter 2024.

In La Union, the 16 hired Statistical Researchers (SRs) for both surveys interviewed about 280 sample palay farming household for the PPS and 352 sample corn farming households for the CPS. For RCSS:H, they revisited 120 sample palay farming households, 45 sample corn farming households and 90 sample non-farming households in various sample barangays in the province.

The PSA assures the public that the data collected in these surveys are solely for statistical purposes. Any information obtained from respondents will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10625.


Chief Statistical Specialist


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