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Cattle Situation in llocos Region First Semester 2023

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-069

Cattle production in llocos Region decreased to 11,217.72 metric tons liveweight

The total cattle production in llocos Region declined by 3.59 percent from 11,635.65 metric tons in first semester 2022 to 11,217.72 metric tons liveweight production in first semester 2023.

Ilocos Region contributed 9.77 percent to the national production of 114.83 thousand metric tons liveweight, ranking 3rd among the regions in the country in terms of volume of cattle production.

Cattle inventory in the region declined by 3.81 percent as of April 2023

The total headcount of cattle in llocos Region as of 01 January 2023 were 252,587 heads, showing a 0.28 percent increase from the inventory of 251,871 heads as of 01 January 2022. On the other hand, cattle inventory as of 01 April 2023 registered a downward trend of 3.81 percent compared to the same date in 2022.

Increases in cattle population as of 01 January 2023 were noted in llocos Norte, La Union, and llocos Sur by 6.21 percent, 4.57 percent, and 0.21 percent, respectively, compared to the same reference date in 2022. Pangasinan posted a decrease in inventory as of 01 January 2023 by 7.37 percent.

Farmgate Price

The average farm price of cattle for slaughter in backyard farms in the first semester 2023 was PhP237.17 per kilo liveweight. This was lower by 46.25 percent than the average price of PhP162.17 per kilo liveweight in first semester 2022.

The highest price recorded in the first semester 2023 was PhP249.46 per kilo in March.



Regional Director, RSSO I

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