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About Crops Production Survey

The Crops Production Survey (CrPS) is a quarterly survey which aims to generate basic production statistics for crops other than palay and corn at the national and sub-national levels. Twenty major crops under the Other Crops sub-sector are highlighted in the Value of Production in Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries.

The CrPS covers around 280 crops sub-classified under three commodity groupings, namely: 1) Non-Food and Industrial Crops, 2) Fruit Crops, and 3) Vegetables and Root Crops. The commodity coverage by province differs and depends on what each province produces.

There are specialized commodity agencies which also generate production-related statistics such as the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA), Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA), and National Tobacco Administration (NTA). The PSA adopts the production data of SRA on canes milled for centrifugal sugar while those from PCA, PhilFIDA, and NTA serve as inputs in the review and validation of estimates.

The authority and mandate of the PSA to conduct the CrPS emanates from Republic Act (RA) No. 10625, also known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, which was approved on 12 September 2013. It states that:
“The PSA shall be primarily responsible for all national censuses and surveys, sectoral statistics, consolidation of administrative recording system, and compilation of national accounts.”