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The Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) aims to collect and generate information on the levels, structures, performance and trends of economic activities of the formal sector in the entire country for the year.

The ASPBI operations, the data processing will be decentralized to the Provincial Statistical Services Offices (PSSOs) as the provinces are near the establishments which are data source of the survey.

Specifically, the ASPBI aims to:

· collect and generate detailed information on employment, revenue, expense, inventories, tangible fixed assets, intangible assets and total assets of the establishments;
· generate estimates for other economic indicators such as value added, average compensation and other indicators which are necessary to evaluate the performance of industries at the national and regional levels;
· generate statistics for micro, small and medium establishments where identification of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) is based on total employment; and
· gather pertinent information for the updating of the sampling frame of establishment-based surveys.

The data collected from the ASPBI will constitute bases upon which the government and the private sector can formulate policies and evolve economic development plans.

Specifically, the survey results are used in:

· constructing national and regional income accounts of the Philippine economy;
· formulating and monitoring plans/policies in the attainment of national and regional economic goals;
· determining and comparing regional economic structures and performances;
· analysing economic performance of MSMEs;
· conducting market research and feasibility studies; and
· updating the sampling frame for establishment-based surveys.

The conduct of the ASPBI is in accordance with Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 (Philippine Statistical Act of 2013), which authorizes the PSA to prepare and conduct periodic censuses on various sectors of economy and Executive Order No. 352 mandating the conduct of ASPBI every year.