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The Provincial Government of La Union headed by Governor Raphaelle Veronica Ortega-David supports the month-long celebration of the 33rd National Statistics Month (NSM) in the province with the theme, “Boosting the Country’s Recovery with Informed Decisions, Better Policies.”


For the past two years, most of the NSM activities conducted in the province were done virtually due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.  As the province has embraced the new normal and continuously recovering from the negative impacts brought by the pandemic, most of the activities in line with the 33rd NSM celebration are implemented onsite.


The NSM celebration in the province kicked off on October 11, 2022 with the ceremonial ribbon-cutting led by EnP Michaela Louise Delfinado, Provincial Statistics Committee (PSC) Chair and Dr. Danites E. Teñido, PSC Vice Chair to open the NSM Provincial Statistical Exhibit and Information Desk located at the PhilSys Fix Registration Center, City of San Fernando, La Union.  A motorcade around the City of San Fernando, La Union followed that was participated by the members of the PSC, and representatives from the Local Government Units (LGUs), academe and the media.   The motorcade ended at the venue of the NSM Opening Ceremony at Ynad’s Place Hotel and Resort, City of San Fernando, La Union.


In the opening ceremony, Governor Ortega-David welcomed the participants through a video message and recognized the NSM celebration as a way of putting emphasis on data-driven governance.  She mentioned that this year’s theme mirrors the significant role of statistics and data in achieving a progressive society.  In her message, she highlighted the province’s recognition as Best NSM Province Implementer in the region last year. “This year, I have high hopes that we will retain the honor. This symbolizes our commitment to give not only the bare minimum service to our Kaprobinsiaan but what they truly deserve -  only the best. This can only be possible if we push for programs, projects, and activities as well as policies that are based on facts and data”, said Governor Ortega-David.


Meanwhile, Atty. Sheila O. De Guzman, Regional Director of the Philippine Statistics Authority - Regional Statistical Services Office I (PSA-RSSO I) also gave her video message and mentioned that she is extremely thrilled that after two years, the NSM celebration has reverted to face-to-face event.   She reflected on the 33rd NSM theme that emphasizes the critical role of statistics in crafting the most appropriate decisions, programs, projects, and policies that are needed to boost efforts for recovery.


Undersecretary Claire Dennis S. Mapa, National Statistician and Civil Registrar General (NSCRG) of the PSA served as the Guest Speaker during the ceremony and delivered his message online.


 “The PSS believes that statistics play a critical role in crafting the most appropriate decisions and policies that are needed to boost efforts for recovery,” said Usec. Mapa in his message.   He noted that La Union, so as the country in general, also needs to rely on accurate data being generated by the PSS.  He informed that by next year, the PSA targets the compilation of the Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) for La Union that will provide information on which sectors are driving the economy of La Union at a faster pace, which sectors have the potential to improve in terms of contribution to the economic performance of the province, and which sectors need priority intervention and support from the LGU. 


The Opening Ceremony also featured the winners of the Jingle Making Contest under Tertiary and Secondary Level to further advocate the importance of NSM. The Provincial NSM digital exhibit prepared by the PSC that featured various statistics from its member agencies was also launched.  The themes during the 33 years of annual NSM celebration was also shown through audiovisual presentation.  


In the afternoon, a data dissemination forum on various PSA census/survey results, vital statistics, and PhilSys accomplishment of the province was conducted for the appreciation of PSC members and other stakeholders. 


Other activities for the 33rd NSM  celebration in the province were: hanging of NSM streamers and posting of social media cards;  radio interviews; data dissemination fora in LGUs; statistical and civil registration symposium in selected schools; training on data visualization and statistics lectures;  tree planting; conduct of charitable activity; jingle making contest; digital exhibit contest; poster slogan making contest; oratorical contest; essay writing contest; statistics quiz; and NSM provincial media awards. 


The PSA issued Memorandum Circular No. 2022-14 enjoining all agencies of the government, LGUs, academic institutions, state universities and colleges, and the private sector at the national and subnational levels to actively participate in and support the 33rd NSM and the conduct of the 15th National Convention on Statistics in October 2022. 


Furthermore, the PSC, through PSC Resolution No. 6, Series of 2022, approved the NSM calendar of activities for the province and enjoins all Provincial Line Agencies (PLAs), LGUs, academic institutions and the private sector to support the 32nd NSM celebration in the La Union. 


The annual observance of the NSM is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 647, “Declaring the Month of October of Every Year as the National Statistics Month,’” issued on 20 September 1990 bu then President Corazon C. Aquino.  Meanwhile, the conduct of the NCS is pursuant to PSA Board Resolution No. 01, Series of 2017-073, “Approving the Conduct of the National Convention on Statistics Every Three Years.”





Chief Statistical Specialist