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2022 SDG Anticipated Progress Index (Goal 15-17)

2022 SDG Anticipated Progress Index (Goal 8-11)

2022 SDG Anticipated Progress Index (Goal 4-7)

2022 SDG Anticipated Progress Index (Goal 1-3)

2022 SDG Current Status Index

Philippine Identification System Ilocos Region January 2023

Number of Establishments Ilocos Region 2021

Number of Establishments and Employment by Industry Section Ilocos Region 2021

Philsys Birth Registration Assistance Project Ilocos Region January 2023

Birth Registration in Ilocos Region Population 2020

Commercial Fisheries Situation Ilocos Region 3rd Quater 2022

Number of Establishments and Workers in Ilocos Region 2020

Functional Difficulty Ilocos Region 2020

Consumer Price Index December 2022 Ilocos Region

Palay Situation Ilocos Region 3rd Quarter 2022

Corn Situation Ilocos Region 3rd Quarter 2022

Construction Statistics 1st Quarter 2022 Ilocos Region

Inland Municipal Fisheries Production 2nd Quarter 2022

Fisheries Production 2nd Quarter 2022

Consumer Price Index November 2022