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2019 Annual Report on Fisheries Production

2019 Most Common Baby Names

April 2020 Price Statistics in Ilocos Region

4th Quarter 2019 Construction Statistics

February 2020 Price Statistics in Ilocos Region

January 2020 Price Statistics in Ilocos Region

4th Quarter 2019 Corn Production

4th Quarter 2019 Palay Production

3rd Quarter 2019 Construction Statistics

Customer Satisfaction Survey December 2019

Education Statistics of Women

Swine Situationer of Ilocos Region: 2nd Semester 2019

3rd Quarter 2019 Fisheries Production

Women's Work and Economic Participation in Ilocos Region

Health, Nutrition and Social Welfare Statistics of Women in Ilocos Region

How Does PSA Generate Official Poverty Statistics?

2018 Official Poverty Statistics of Ilocos Region

2nd Quarter 2019 Death Statistics Infographics

3rd Quarter 2019 Birth Statistics Infographics

3rd Quarter 2019 Marriage Statistics Infographics