Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), the Province of La Union had a total population of 822,352 persons. Of this total, the household population comprised 99.8 percent or 820,343 persons.

Of the 820,343 household population in 2020 in La Union, men accounted for 50.6 percent or 414,862 while women comprised 49.4 percent or 405,481 persons. La Union’s population in 2020 was dominantly composed of young population as shown by the broad-based population pyramid. (Figure 1)
Sex ratio remains at 102 males per 100 females
In 2020, children aged below 15 years (young dependents) had a sex ratio of 108 men per 100 women, while those aged 15 to 64 years (working age population) had a sex ratio of 105 men per 100 women. Moreover, among those aged 65 years and over (old dependents), the sex ratio was 70 men per 100 women. This depicts a longer life expectancy among women than men or a higher mortality rate among men than women in the older age groups. (Figure 2)

The sex ratio in La Union in 2020 was computed at 102. This means that there were 102 men for every 100 women.
Among the city/municipalities, half surpassed the provincial sex ratio. The highest sex ratio in the province was recorded in Bagulin with 110 while the smallest sex ratio was posted in the City of San Fernando and San Juan, both at 100.

Women dominate the voting-age population
The voting-age population (18 years and over) accounted for 68.2 percent of the household population of the province in 2020, up from 65.9 percent in 2015. There were more women (50.1%) than men (49.9%) among the voting age population. (Table 3)

There are more men than women who are never-married
Of the household population 10 years old and over, 41.3 percent were married while 37.6 percent were never-married. The rest of the population were categorized as follows: common-law/live-in marital arrangement (13.4%), widowed (5.5%) and divorced/separated (2.1%).
Among the never married persons, 55.1 percent were men while 44.9 percent were women. Moreover, for common-law/live-in marital arrangement, 50.2 percent were men while 49.8 percent were women. For the rest of the categories for marital status, women outnumbered the men.
Of the 752,442 household population five years old and over in 2020, 41.3 percent had attended or completed secondary education, 24.6 percent had reached or finished elementary education, 16.0 percent obtained college degree, and 9.9 percent were college undergraduates.

Among those with an academic degree (120,046), in La Union in 2020, women (57.1%) outnumbered the men (42.9%). Similarly, more women (64.3%) than men (35.7%) had pursued post baccalaureate courses.
On the other hand, there were more than women who have no grade completed, pre-school, elementary, high school, and post-secondary.

Literacy rate is higher among males
The literacy rate of La Union among household population 10 years old and over in 2020 was recorded at 99.0 percent. Literacy rate was higher among males (50.4%) than among females (49.6%).
Female overseas workers outnumbered their male counterpart
More than half (59.9%) of the Overseas Filipino Workers in La Union were women with a total number of 19,729, while men has a total number of 13,183. This number accounted to 6.1 percent of the total household population fifteen years old and over in La Union.

Out of 205,034 households in the province, 79.2 percent were headed by men (162,440) while 20.8 percent were headed by women (42,594), while 79.3 percent were headed by a men (162,440). Of the total number of households, 15.7 percent were located at the provincial capital (City of San Fernando), followed by Bauang (9.7 percent), Agoo (7.8 percent) and Rosario (7.0 percent).

The total population presented in this release is based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH). The population count is declared official for all purposes by the President of the Philippines, pursuant to Proclamation No. 1179 dated 06 July 2021. The total population represents the total number of persons living as of 12:01 AM on 01 May 2020 in the country. It also includes Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad.
Chief Statistical Specialist