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The total volume of poultry production in La Union in 2023 was 24,579 metric tons liveweight. This posted a 0.70 percent decline over last year’s output of 24,751 metric tons liveweight. Chicken, with the biggest share to the poultry production, recorded a 3.55 percent increase in output while its by-product, chicken eggs, recorded a decrease of 15.81 percent in output. Production of ducks and duck eggs in the province decreased by 14.72 percent and 39.29 percent, respectively. (Table 1)


Table 1. Poultry Volume of Production by Animal Type By-Product La Union 2022 and 2023 (in metric tons, liveweight)



Total inventory of chicken was recorded at 1.35 million heads as of 01 January 2024, a decrease of 39.70 percent relative to last year’s level of 2.24 million heads. Out of the total headcount, 0.77 million heads or 56.64 percent were native chickens, 26.82 percent were broilers and the remaining 16.54 percent were layers. (Figure 1)


Figure 1. Percent Distribution of Inventory of Chicken by Type La Union 2023


The number of chickens dressed in Poultry Dressing Plants (PDPs) in 2023 was estimated at 15.72 million heads, lower than the 2022 level by 3.40 percent. The number of broilers dressed both in the 1st and 2nd semesters of 2023 decreased by 6.77 percent and 0.66 percent, respectively. (Table 2)


Table 2. Number of Chickens Dressed in Poultry Dressing Plants by Semester La Union 2022 and 2023


The monthly average farm prices of chicken native live from February to October 2023 were higher than the prices last year of same period. The annual average price of chicken native live in 2023 was PhP212.24 per kilogram liveweight, 20.75 percent higher than the 2022 average price of PhP175.77 per kilogram liveweight. In 2023, the highest price was recorded in March at PhP230.82 per kilogram liveweight. (Figure 2)


Figure 2. Farm Price of Chicken Native Improved (Backyard) La Union 2022 and 2023



The average monthly retail prices of fresh chicken eggs for year 2023 were higher than the 2022 level. The annual average retail price of fresh chicken eggs in 2023 was PhP8.40 per piece, 25.00 percent higher than the annual average retail price of eggs in 2022 at PhP6.72 per piece. (Figure 3)


Figure 3. Monthly Average Retail Price of Fresh Chicken Eggs La Union 2022 and 2023



As of 01 January 2024, the province’s total duck inventory was 72,421 heads. This was 10.88 percent higher than the 2022 headcount of 65,313 heads. (Figure 4)


Figure 4. Inventory of Ducks in La Union as of 01 January 2023 and 2024


The annual average price of duck for meat in 2023 was PhP149.77 per kilogram liveweight, 6.15 percent higher than the 2022 average price of PhP141.09 per kilogram liveweight. In 2023, the highest price was recorded in November at PhP171.43 per kilogram liveweight. (Figure 5)


Figure 5. Farm Price of Duck Meat La Union 2022 and 2023



The data for this report is collected by the PSA through two major surveys, namely the Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS) and the Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS). Surveys are conducted simultaneously every quarter in all provinces.

Another survey that supplements the data requirements of the subsector is the Compilation of Data from Slaughterhouses and Poultry Dressing Plants (CDSPDP). This covers the Accredited (AAA, AA) and Locally Registered Meat Establishments (LRMEs) and is undertaken in coordination with the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) and the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO).

Concepts and Definitions

  • Animal Inventory (also, Animal Population) – the number of domesticated animals in head present in the farm at specific reference date.

  • Abattoir (also, Slaughterhouse) –the premises that are approved, registered and licensed by the NMIS and Local Government Units (LGUs) in which food animals are slaughtered, dressed, inspected and hygienically handled in order to produce meat and offal that are safe and wholesome

  • Broiler – strains of foreign breeds of chicken especially raised for meat purposes only.

  • Backyard Farm/Raiser- refers to any farm or household raising at least one head of animal or bird and does not qualify as a commercial farm.

  • Commercial Poultry Farm/Operator- refers to any poultry operator or farm which operation satisfies at least one of the following conditions: a) 500 layers or 1,000 broilers; b) 100 layers and 100 broilers if raised in combination; and c) 100 heads of duck regardless of age.

  • Farmgate price-refers to the price received by poultry raisers for their produce at the location of farm. Thus, marketing costs such as transport and other marketing cost (if any) incurred in selling the produce are not included in the farmgate prices

  • Layer – foreign strain female chicken regardless of age, raised mainly for table egg production.

  • Poultry - a collective term for all domesticated avian for the purpose of food consumption or, the carcass of such avian/dressed processed for human consumption.

  • Poultry Dressing Plants - premises that are approved and registered by NMIS and LGUs in which poultry are dressed for human consumption.


Chief Statistical Specialist


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The total volume of poultry production in La Union in 2023 was 24,579 metric tons liveweight. This posted a 0.70 percent decline over last year’s output of 24,751 metric tons liveweight. Chicken,…