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PSA conducts Consultation Workshop with Stakeholders and Validation of PPA Benchmark Estimates in llocos Region

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-031

llocos Region - The Philippine Statistics Authority - Regional Statistical Services Office I (PSA -RSSO l), together with the Macroeconomic Accounts Service of PSA - Central Office and the four Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) in the region, conducted the Consultation Workshop with Stakeholders and Validation of Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) Benchmark Estimates in llocos Region on 11 July 2023 at Bauang, La Union.

ln her welcome message, RD De Guzman highlighted the spirit of oneness as a solid foundation for compiling the PPA. She added that without the support of PSA's partners and stakeholders, the benchmark estimate could not be possible. 

The workshop was facilitated by the RSSO I with the PPA focal persons and staff from the MAS, RSSO I, and PSOs. The activity was participated by around 60 participants from Local Government Units (LGUs) and National Government Agencies (NGAs) across the region.

The activity started with the presentation of the preliminary data on the share of the provinces to the regional economy in 2018 and the economic structure of the provinces of the region based on the 2018 benchmark PPA estimates. After which, a consultation workshop followed wherein stakeholders were asked to validate the preliminary benchmark estimates, solicit feedback from them, and provide a list of important news and events to validate the estimates. 

The PPA of the four provinces in the region will be released in December this year. The compilation of the PPA will be institutionalized in 2025.

Regional Director, RSSO I