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Ilocos Region Kick-off 34th NSM Celebration

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-040

03 OCTOBER 2023 – SAN FERNANDO CITY, LA UNION. Ilocos Region through the Regional Statistics Committee I (RSC-I) conducted the 34th National Statistics Month (NSM) Regional Opening Ceremony on 03 October 2023 at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), City of San Fernando, La Union. This year’s NSM theme is “Accelerating Progress: Promoting Data and Statistics for Healthy Philippines.”

Acting Area Director of BSP La Union, Ms. Ofella L. Viray, welcomed the participants while, Acting RSC I Chairperson and NEDA O|C-Regional Director lrenea B. Ubungen gave her message. On the other hand, Assistant Regional Director Rodolfo Antonio M. Albornoz of the Department of Health served as the keynote speaker and highlighted the importance of statistics for a data-driven planning and implementation of health programs in the region. 

As part of the advocacy on the importance of statistics, the following statistical information were presented: (1) Regional Health Situationer by DOH Training Specialist lll John Michael R. Peralta; (2) 2022 National Demographic and Health Survey Results - llocos Region by PSA Statistical Specialist ll Ana Liza B. Operia; and (3) Vital Statistics by PSA Registration Officer lV Zenaida L. Garcillan.

Among the highlight of the event was the launching of the 34th NSM Digital Statistical Exhibit presented by PSA Statistical Analyst Michelle Mae Esperanza. The digital statistical exhibit features statistical information and various IEC materials from the member-agencies of the Regional Statistics Committee l. 

Meanwhile, on behalf of the PSA-RSSO I Regional Director, Atty. Sheila O. De Guzman, Chief Statistical Specialist Juanito Y. Yabes, gave closing remarks and encourage everyone to support the month-long celebration and continue advocating the use of statistics for the development of the all.


Regional Director, RSSO I