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PSA-RSSO I Turnover 2022 CBMS Data to LGU Lidlida

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-047

LIDLIDDA, ILOCOS SUR. The Regional Statistical Services Office I (RSSO l), together with the Provincial Statistical Office (PSO) of llocos Sur, conducted data turnover of the 2022 Community Based Monitoring System for the Local Government Unit of Lidlidda, llocos Sur. The data turnover ceremony was conducted on 21 November 2023 in the municipal hall of Lidlidda.

CBMS entails a census of households that generates data which serve as compendium of localized facts, figures, and maps on the different aspects such as health, nutrition, water, sanitation, shelter, education, income, employment, security, and participation.

ln her welcome remarks, Regional Director Atty. Sheila O. De Guzman of PSA-RSSO I highlighted another significant milestone of the region's journey towards harnessing the power of information and the importance of data in decision-making towards economic growth.

OIC-Deputy Nationa! Statistician Minerva Eloisa Esquivias of PSA Censuses and Technical Coordination Office (CTCO) also witnessed the momentous event as a result of the strong partnership between PSA and LGU Lidlidda.

Chief Statistical Specialist of PSO llocos Sur, Ms. Jeanette M. Marzan, presented the highlights of the 2022 CBMS results followed by the audiovisual presentation of the 2022 CBMS Journey of Lidlidda, llocos Sur.

The 2022 CBMS data was accepted by Municipal Mayor Atty Sherwin P. Tomas. ln his acceptance message, Mayor Tomas thanked the PSA for supporting and guiding the LGU toward their CBMS
journey. He also stressed the importance of the CBMS data in the planning and implementation of programs and services to their constituents. Meanwhile, Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) Mr. Samuel S. Sayaan laid down the plans and programs of the LGU that will utilize and ensure security of CBMS data.

The program was formally closed by the Statistical Operations and Coordination Division (SOCD) Chief Statistical Specialist Juanito Y. Yabes. He thanked LGU Lidlidda for its support to the CBMS
and encouraged continued partnership with PSA.

Regional Director, RSSO I

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