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Release Date :
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SR 2022-02

Palay production in the province of Ilocos Norte reached a volume of 215, 279 metric tons in the fourth quarter of 2021. The production declined by 0.39 percent or 837 metric tons lower compared with the same quarter in 2020. The decrease in the overall production was attributed by the downward movement in the production of both irrigated and rainfed palay ecosystems in the province. In terms of distribution, Irrigated palay ecosystem contributed a bigger share of 75.15 percent to the total production of the province in the fourth quarter of 2021. In addition, Rainfed palay ecosystem had 24.85 percent contribution to the total production of the province in the fourth quarter of 2021 (Figure 1).


Compared to last year’s production of the same quarter, irrigated palay ecosystem posted a decrease of 1.47 percent or 2,501 metric tons. In contrast, Rainfed palay ecosystem increased by 3.58 percent or 1,664 metric tons in the fourth quarter of 2021. (Figure 2).


The province of Ilocos Norte ranked second in terms of contribution to the total production in the Ilocos Region.  Its production of 215,279 metric tons shared 17.71 percent to the total regional output for the fourth quarter of 2021. The biggest volume of contribution came from the province of Pangasinan with 58.77 percent share or 714,586 metric tons. The province of Ilocos Sur ranked third with 14.44 percent part or 175,623 metric tons, while the province of La Union was fourth with 9.08 percent or 110,345 metric tons contribution to the region’s total production in the fourth quarter of 2021 (Figure 3).

The total palay harvested area  in the province of Ilocos Norte was estimated at 42,157 hectares in the fourth quarter of 2021. This is 0.86 percent higher than the 2020 estimate of the same quarter. The increase in area harvested was contributed by the increase of Rainfed palay areas in the province.

By ecosystem, the area harvested for Irrigated palay was 31,679 hectares. Rainfed ecosystem area was lower by 0.31 percent or 98  hectares lesser in the same quarter of 2020. In contrast, the area harvested for Rainfed palay went up from 10,020 hectares in 2020 to 10,478 hectares in 2021. This is 4.57 percent higher on a year-on- year comparison (Figure 4).



Figure 5 shows the yield of palay in Ilocos Norte by ecosystem, fourth quarter 2020 and 2021. The average yield of palay in the province of Ilocos Norte went down by 1.24 percent in fourth quarter 2021 compared to the yield in the same quarter of 2020. The productivity decreased from 5.17 to 5.11 metric tons per hectare or 98.31 cavans per hectare lower than the same period last year.

By ecosystem, the output of Irrigated palay declined by 1.17 percent. From the average yield of 5.34 metric tons per hectare in 2020, it reduced to 5.28 metric tons per hectare in 2021 or a deduction of 101.49 cavans per hectare. Rainfed palay also went down from 4.64 to 4.59 metric tons per hectare with 0.95 percent decrease or 88.17 cavans per hectare lesser than the same period last year.





The Palay Production Survey is one of the two modules of the Palay and Corn Production Survey (PCPS), formerly known as the Rice and Corn Production Survey (RCPS).


The Palay Production Survey is a quarterly survey conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). It aims to generate estimates on corn production, area and yield and other related information at the provincial level. The four rounds are conducted in January, April, July and October. Each round generates estimates for the immediate past quarter and forecasts for the next two quarters. Results of the survey serve as inputs to planners and policy makers on matters concerning the corn industry.


The scope of the Palay Production Survey includes:


- Production, area planted/harvested and yield by ecosystem and seed type

- Usage of seeds, fertilizer and pesticides

- Source of irrigation water and adequacy

- Monthly distribution of production and area harvested

- Farm household disposition of production

- Area with standing crop

- Planting intention for the quarter




Chief Statistical Specialist

PSA – Ilocos Norte


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