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The commercia! fisheries volume of production in llocos Region was posted at 1,350.88 metric tons in 4th quarter 2021. The output was higher by 23.55 percent than the level in 4th quarter 2020 of 1,093.39 metric tons.

The increased output of La Union and Pangasinan contributed to the positive grourth of the commercia! fisheries production of the region.

The top five major catch in the region in 4th quarter 2021 were skipjack, roundscad, yellowfin tuna, hairtail, and indo-pacific mackerel.

ln terms of provincial shares, Pangasinan accounted for 58.75 percent of the region's commercial fisheries volume of production in 4th quarter 2021.The province recorded a production of 793.66 metric tons, higher than the output in 4th quarter 2020 of 705.60 metric tons.

ln Pangasinan,the top species during the quarter were skipjack, roundscad, yellowfin tuna, frigate tuna, and threadfin bream.

La Union shared 38.20 percent to the total commercial fish catch of the region in 4th quarter 2021 . lt posted increment in output of 54.66 percent. From the 333.69 metric tons recorded in 4th quarter 2020, production grew to 516.09 metric tons in 4th quarter 2021.

The major catch in La Union during the quarter were hairtail, indian mackerel, goat fish, indo-pacific mackerel, and squid.

llocos Sur contributed 3.05 percent to the total commercial fisheries volume of production in 4th quarter 2021. lts production of 54.10 metric tons went down by 23.97 percent from the 41.13 metric tons output in 4th quarter 2020.

Major species that contributed to the total output of the province were skipjack, yellowfin tuna, and roundscad.




Regional Director, RSSO I