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Aquaculture production of the Ilocos Region posted a production  of 146,396 metric tons in 2020. This is 6.24 percent higher than  the production in 2019 of 137,800 metric tons. The provinces of Ilocos Sur and Pangasinan contributed to the overall increment of the volume of production in the aquaculture subsector.

The province of Pangasinan contributed 94.31 percent  to the region’s aquaculture output in 2020. The province recorded  138,066 metric tons, higher than the output in 2019 of 128,631 metric tons.  High survival rate and bigger sizes of produce due to good water parameters and lesser destructive typhoons resulted to positive growth in output.

La Union shared 4.50 percent to the total aquaculture fisheries production in 2020, that is 6,581 metric tons lower than the output a year ago  of 7,459 metric tons. Lower survival rate and smaller sizes of produce were observed due to high water salinity. 

Ilocos Sur which shared 0.76 percent to the total aquaculture fish catch  of the region in 2020 posted increment in output.  From the 1,063 metric tons record in 2019, it went up to 1,109 metric tons due to good water parameters, continues dispersal of free fingerlings and fishnet from Local Government Units, and lesser destructive typhoons. 

The province of Ilocos Norte contributed 0.44 percent to the total aquaculture fisheries volume of production in 2020. Its production during the period went down by 0.85 percent from the 646 metric tons output a year ago to 641 metric tons in 2020. Lower survival rate and smaller sizes of produce caused lower output in 2020.

By ecosystem, marine cage shared 69.66 percent share to the overall aquaculture production in 2020. It was followed by Brackishwater Fishpond with 19.33 percent share and Freshwater Fishpond with 9.64 percent share.

The dominant species in aquaculture subsector of the Ilocos Region during the period were Milkfish, Tilapia, Tiger prawn, Oyster, and Mussel.

Milkfish production of the region in 2020 registered  at 125,913 metric tons, higher by 7.81 percent than its output in 2019  of 116,796 metric tons. Higher survival rate, bigger sizes  of produce and more units harvested were the factors that contributed  to the positive growth in output.  Bulk of milkfish production came  from the province of Pangasinan.



Officer-in-Charge, RSSO I