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The overall fisheries production in Ilocos Region increased by 10.86 percent in 3rd quarter 2020 as compared to same quarter of 2019 that is from 25,253 metric tons to 27,996 metric tons this year. All the four provinces contributed to the overall fisheries production in Ilocos Region.

All three fisheries subsectors namely, commercial, municipal and aquaculture subsectors registered higher production in the total fisheries volume of production of Ilocos Region in 3rd quarter 2020 compared with their levels in 2019. The aquaculture subsector contributed 73.45 percent to the total fisheries output. The municipal fisheries accounted for 18.90 percent while the commercial subsector shared 7.65 percent.

In terms of provincial distribution, the province of Pangasinan shared the bulk of production in the region with 79.44 percent. The overall volume of production of the province was posted at 22,241 metric tons. The commercial and aquaculture subsectors contributed to the overall performance of the province.

La Union followed with 9.72 percent share to the total volume of fisheries production in the region. Its output went up by 71.12 percent in 3rd quarter 2020 with an output of 2,721 metric tons from the output of 1,590 metric tons in 3rd quarter 2019. All the three subsectors contributed to the overall positive performance of the province in terms of fisheries production.

Meanwhile, Ilocos Sur shared 5.51 percent to the total volume of production in the region. The fisheries production of the province was recorded at 1,541 metric tons in 3rd quarter 2020, higher by 37.74 percent than the production a year ago of 1,119 metric tons. Higher catch in municipal subsector contributed to the overall increment in output.

The province of Ilocos Norte, which had 5.33 percent share of the total fisheries production of Ilocos Region, recorded higher fisheries production in 3rd quarter 2020 compared with its level a year ago. From 1,085 metric tons production, it went up to 1,492 metric tons attributed to the higher output of both municipal and aquaculture subsectors.

Commercial Fisheries

The commercial fisheries volume of production in Ilocos Region was posted at 2,142 metric tons in 3rd quarter 2020. The output was higher than the volume of production in 3rd quarter 2019 of 1,632 metric tons. All the three provinces recorded increases in output due to more catch from payaos, presence of school of fish, more frequent trips due to favorable weather, and bigger sizes of catch of fishery products. 

In terms of provincial shares, Pangasinan accounted for 81.55 percent of the region’s commercial fisheries volume of production in 3rd quarter 2020. La Union followed with 14.86 percent share, and Ilocos Sur with 3.59 percent share.

The top five major catch in the region during the quarter were Roundscad, Skipjack, Frigate tuna, Indian mackerel and Threadfin bream.

Municipal Fisheries

The overall municipal fisheries production in Ilocos Region went up by 29.72 percent in 3rd quarter 2020. The production was posted at 5,292 metric tons, higher than its output in 3rd quarter 2019 of 4,079 metric tons. Both the marine and inland municipal fisheries recorded higher production.

Marine Municipal

Production of Marine Municipal Fisheries in Ilocos Region grew in the 3rd quarter 2020.  Its output was posted at 4,461 metric tons, higher by 27.95 percent than the output in the 3rd quarter 2019 of 3,486 metric tons. All the provinces, except Pangasinan, contributed to the overall increment in the volume of production.

The province of Pangasinan contributed 31.66 percent to the region’s marine municipal fish catch for the 3rd quarter 2020, followed by Ilocos Norte with 31.54 percent share, La Union with 20.11 percent share, and Ilocos Sur with 16.69 percent. The dominant catch in marine municipal fisheries of Ilocos Region during the period were Roundscad, Yellowfin tuna, Squid, Threadfin bream, and Cavalla.

Inland Municipal Fisheries

Production of Inland Municipal Fisheries in Ilocos Region grew by 40.15 percent in the 3rd quarter 2020. From the output of 593 metric tons in the same period last year, it went up to 831 metric tons this year. All the provinces except Pangasinan registered positive growth in output.

In terms of provincial distribution, Ilocos Sur ranked first in the volume of production of Inland municipal fisheries during the 3rd quarter 2020 with 54.49 percent share. La Union followed with 25.13 percent share, Pangasinan with 15.68 percent, and Ilocos Norte with 4.70 percent.

The top five major catch in the region during the period were Tilapia, Oyster, Freshwater goby, Mud crab and Lobster.


Aquaculture production of Region I posted a production of 20,563 metric tons in 3rd quarter 2020. This is 5.23 percent higher than the production in 3rd quarter 2019 of 19,541 metric tons. The factors that contributed to the positive growth in output include the availability of fingerlings, residual harvest, lesser weather disturbances, and bigger sizes of produce.

The province of Pangasinan shared the bulk of aquaculture production in 3rd quarter 2020 with 92.17 percent. By culture type, aquaculture in Ilocos Region was dominated by Marine cage which accounted for 72.20 percent of the total production.     

Milkfish production in 3rd quarter 2020 registered at 19,654 metric tons, higher by 5.63 percent than its output in the same quarter last year of 18,605.69 metric tons. Bigger sizes of produce, more residual harvest, absence of destructive typhoons and availability of fingerlings during the stocking contributed to the overall increment in the volume of production of Milkfish. 



Officer-in-Charge, RSSO I