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The 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH) enumeration commences on 01 September 2020 in some cities and municipalities in llocos Region.
Delays in the enumeration activity in some barangays, cities and municipalities are expected due to localized lockdowns set by the Local Government Units (LGUs.)
A total of 5,575 hired enumerators, supervisors and census area supervisors will be deployed by the Philippine Statistics Authority - Regional Statistical Services Office I (PSA - RSSO l) for this undertaking. All enumerators will wear the 2020 CPH shirts and lDs. They will strictly observe health protocols and guidelines set by the lnteragency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Disease (IATF-EID)
and the LGUs.
The 2020 CPH is the 15th census of population, and the 7th census of housing in the Philippines since the first country's population census conducted in 1903.
The PSA appeals to the public to cooperate and support the conduct of this once-in-a-decade census. The office assures everyone that all census teams are in good health condition, will follow strict physical distancing, and are armed with standard protective personal equipment such as face shield, face mask, disinfectant alcohol and other sanitation supplies.
The office also reassures the public that all information gathered will be held strictly confidential and shall not be used as evidence in court for purposes of taxation, regulation or investigation as provided for in RA No. 10173 or the "Data Privacy Act" and RA 10625. Data generated from this census will be disseminated in statistical summaries without reference to any individual person or household.
(Chief Administrative Officer)