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Construction projects reach 3,048 in 1st quarter 2020

Approved building permits in the first quarter 2020 totalled to 3,048. Of the total construction projects, 2,326 or 76.3 percent were residential-type buildings, 511 or 16.8 percent were non-residential and 211 or 6.9 percent were additions, alterations and repair constructions.

Among the four (4) provinces in llocos Region, Pangasinan recorded the highest number of construction projects with 954 accounting to 31.3 percent of the total construction projects, followed by llocos Norte with 944 (31.0%), llocos Sur with 690 (22.60%), and La Union with 460 (15.1%).

Total value of construction amounts to PhP5.2 billion

Total value of constructions from approved building permits for the first quarter of 2020 was recorded at PhP5.2 billion.

By type of construction projects, value of residential buildings amounted to PhP2.5 billion, while non-residential construction buildings were valued at PhP2.6 billion for the first quarter of 2020.

Combined value of constructions for additions, alterations and repairs of existing structures was estimated at PhP191.7 million.

Average cost per square meter of residential buitding construction is PhP10,005

Total value of construction for residential buildings was about PhP2.5 billion with a total floor area of 244,924 square meters, translating to an average cost of PhP10,004 per square meter.
Among the residential constructions, single houses recorded the bulk of the projects wilh 2,278 accounting for 97.9 percent of the total. Total value of construction for this type reached PhP2.3 billion covering a total floor area of 233,328 square meters, translating to an average cost of PhP9,993 per square meter.
Apartment/accessoria ranked far second with 29 residential construction projecis representing 1.2 percent of the total residential construction. This type of residential building had an estimated construction value of PhP94.0 million with a total floor area of 8,828 square meters, translating to an average cost of PhP10,653 per square meter.
Duplex houses recorded a total of 18 residential construction projects representing 0.8 percent of the total residential construction. Total construction value for this type amounted to PhP24.6 million and a total floor area of 2,727 square meters or an average cost of PhP9,036 per square meter.
Other residential posted one construction project representing 0.04 percent of the total residential constructions. Total value of this type amounted to PhP195 thousand and a total floor area of 41 square meters or an average cost of PhP4,756 per square meter
Commercial projects building dominates non-rEsidential conStruction
The total value of non-residential building constructions in the region reached PhP2.6 billion with a total floor area of 229,907 square meters, reflecting an average cost of PhP11,144 per square meter.
Commercial buildings had the highest number with 293 construction projects or 57.3 percent of the total non-residential constructions. Value of construction for this type was estimated at PhP1.4 billion covering a total floor area ol 127,159 square meters or an average cost of PhP10,769 per square meter.
lnstitutional buildings ranked second with 116 construction projects or 22.7 percent of the total non-residential construction with a value of PhP893.8  million and a total floor area of 64,046 square meters or an average cost of PhP113,956 per square meter.
lndustrial buildings followed with 53 construction projects or 10.4 percent of the total non-residential building construction. lt has a total construction value of PhP90.4 million and a total floor area of 17,116 square meters or an average cost of PhP5,283 per square meter.
Agricultural buildings ranked fourth with 41 construction projects. lt comprised 8.0 percent of the total non-residential building constructions with construction value of PhP195.8 million and a total floor area of 20,776 square meters or an average cost of PhP9,425 per square meter.
Other buildings comprised 8 construction projects or 1.6 percent of the non-residential construction with a total value of PhP3.5 million.
Officer-in-Charge, RSSO I