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2020 - 015
The overall fisheries production in Ilocos Region went up by 9.34 percent in 2019. From the total output of 155,178 metric tons a year ago, it grew to 169,669 metric tons in 2019. All the provinces contributed to the overall growth of the fisheries sector in the region.
Compared with their levels a year ago, all the fisheries subsectors registered higher production in 2019. The aquaculture subsector contributed 81.22 percent to the total fisheries output. The municipal fisheries accounted for 15.55 percent while the commercial subsector shared 3.23 percent.
In terms of provincial distribution, the province of Pangasinan shared the bulk of production in the region with 85.75 percent. The overall volume of production of the province was posted at 145,494 metric tons, 9.56 percent higher than its production in 2018. The aquaculture and commercial subsectors of the province posted increases in output.
La Union ranked second in terms of fisheries production in 2019. It contributed   6.76 percent to the total volume of production in the region. Its fisheries output grew from 10,514 metric tons in 2018 to 11,463 metric tons in 2019. The commercial and municipal fisheries of the province recorded higher output while the aquaculture subsector went down.
Ilocos Sur, which accounted for 3.95 percent of the total volume of production in the region in 2019, recorded higher fisheries production compared with its level in 2018. The output was registered at 6,698 metric tons, higher than its production a year ago of 5,997 metric tons. The increases in the production of all its fisheries subsectors contributed to the positive growth in the fisheries output of the province. 
Ilocos Norte, which shared 3.54 percent to the total fisheries production of Ilocos Region in 2019, also recorded higher fisheries production compared with its level in 2018. From 5,873 metric tons production, it went up to 6,015 metric tons due to the improvement of output in its municipal fisheries subsector.
The commercial fisheries volume of production in Ilocos Region was posted at 5,481 metric tons in 2019. The output was higher than its level a year ago of 2,756 metric tons. The three provinces which have the Commercial Fisheries Survey posted increases in output. The increased number of fishing vessels, more fishing days, establishments of more payaos and artificial reefs, coupled with bigger sizes of catch, might contributed to the positive growth.
In terms of provincial shares, Pangasinan accounted for 75.21 percent of the region’s commercial fisheries volume of production in 2019. La Union followed with 18.48 percent share and Ilocos Sur with 6.31 percent share.
The top five major catch in the region in 2019 were Roudscad, Frigate Tuna, Skipjack, Yellowfin tuna, and Threadfin bream.
The overall municipal fisheries production in Ilocos Region went up by 1.50 percent in 2019. The production was posted at 26,388 metric tons, higher than its output in 2018 of 25,998 metric tons. Both the marine and inland municipal fisheries recorded higher production.
Production of Marine Municipal Fisheries in Ilocos Region increased in 2019.  Its output was posted at 24,398 metric tons, higher than the output a year ago of 24,236 metric tons. All the provinces, except Pangasinan, recorded positive growth in output. Increased number of boats and fishing operations, more catch from payaos, and presence of more school of fish were the factors that affected the increase.
The province of Pangasinan contributed 49.83 percent to the region’s marine municipal fish catch in 2019, followed by Ilocos Norte with 21.31 percent share, Ilocos Sur with 18.25 percent share, and La Union with 10.61 percent share. 
The dominant catch in marine municipal fisheries of Ilocos Region in 2019 were Squid, Yellowfin tuna, Roundscad, Skipjack and Cavalla.
Production of Inland Municipal Fisheries in Ilocos Region grew in 2019. From the output of 1,761 metric tons in 2018, it went up to 1,990 metric tons in 2019. The provinces of Ilocos Sur and La Union contributed to the positive growth in output. Increased number of fishing days, coupled with appearance of bigger sizes, resulted to the overall increment in production.
In terms of provincial distribution, Ilocos Sur ranked first in the volume of production of Inland municipal fisheries in 2019 with 42.09 percent share. Pangasinan followed with 29.28 percent share, La Union with 20.14 percent, and Ilocos Norte with 8.49 percent.


The top five major catch in the region during the period were Freshwater goby, Tilapia, Carp, Blue crab and Mullet.
Aquaculture production in Ilocos Region posted a production of 137,800 metric tons in 2019. This is higher than the production in 2018 of 126,424 metric tons. The provinces of Ilocos Sur and Pangasinan registered positive growth in output. Higher survival rate, better water parameter and availability of quality fingerlings were the factors that might contributed to the positive growth in the overall output. Meanwhile, Ilocos Norte had lower production because some production areas were not stocked and others were affected by Typhoon Ineng in the 3rd quarter of 2019. In La Union, lower survivability and smaller sizes of produce were observed.
The province of Pangasinan shared the bulk of aquaculture production in 2019 with 93.35 percent. By culture type, aquaculture in Ilocos Region was dominated by Marine cage which accounted for 61.09 percent of the total production. Brackishwater fishpond followed with 21.14 percent share, Freshwater fishpond with 9.91 percent, Marine pen with 5.40 percent, and Brackishwater pen with 1.33 percent share.

Milkfish dominated the aquaculture production of Ilocos Region in 2019 with a share of 84.76 percent. The other top species include Tilapia, Tiger prawn, Oyster and Mussel. 
(Chief Administrative Officer)