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Issue No. 5, Series of 2016
Livestock and Poultry production in Region I posted positive growths in output in 2015. Production in the livestock sector went up by 2.21 percent and poultry sector grew by 2.08 percent in 2015.  All livestock and poultry products recorded production gains.  Hog that contributed the biggest share to the livestock production, recorded a 1.37 growth in output.  Likewise, chicken the major contributor in poultry production gained by 0.45 percent. 
Table 2 shows the inventory of animals in the region as of January 1, 2014 and 2015.  The inventory of livestock and poultry all increased except goat. The beginning inventory of carabao in Region 1 as of January 1, 2015 was 160,310 heads.   This was 2.07 percent higher than same period last year. Likewise, the inventory of cattle as of January 1, 2015 increased by 2.20 percent, hog by 0.05 percent, chicken by 4.46 percent and duck by 5.57 percent. 
As of January 1, 2015, backyard and commercial inventory of carabao increased by 2.07 percent and 1.40 percent, respectively, against the 2014 level. Out of the total carabao inventory of 160,310 heads as of January 1, 2015, 99.77 percent are in backyard farms, while 0.23 percent are in commercial farms.
The inventory of cattle as of January 1, 2015   in backyard farms was 294,704 heads. This increased by 2.34 percent as compared to same period last year. However, the inventory of cattle in commercial farms of 3,039 heads as of January 1, 2015 decreased by 10.17 percent as compared to last year’s level.  About 98.98 percent of the total inventory are in the backyard farms, while the remaining 1.02 percent are in the commercial farms.
The number of goat in the region in backyard farms as of January 1, 2015 was 419,410 heads, a 0.43 percent decrease as compared to same period last year.  This contributed about 98.57 percent of the total goat inventory of the region. The commercial farms contributed about 1.43 percent of the total goat inventory. The number of heads in commercial farms grew by 0.16 percent.
As of January 1, 2015, backyard inventory of swine   decreased by 1.07 percent against the 2014 level while commercial inventory increased by 5.44 percent. Out of the total swine inventory of 521,622 heads as of January 1, 2015, 81.92 percent are in backyard farms, while 18.08 percent are in commercial farms.
Broiler, layer and native chicken inventory posted increases at the start of 2015. The share of native to the total chicken inventory was 51.20 percent, while broiler and layer shared about 44.98 percent and 3.82 percent respectively.  
The backyard inventory of duck as of January 1, 2015 was 318,117 heads. This increased by 8.04 percent as compared to same period last year. On the other hand, the inventory of duck in commercial farms as of January 1, 2015 decreased by 18.54 percent as compared to last year’s level.  About 98.98 percent of the total duck inventory are in the backyard farms, while the remaining 1.02 percent are in the commercial farms.
· Production. Refers to the volume of indigenous (locally-raised) animals disposed for slaughter which include animals exported or shipped-out for slaughter (in “head” and in “liveweight equivalent”).
· Livestock – farm animals kept or raised for consumption, work or leisure. In general, poultry is separated as a distinct group of farm animals. For purposes of census and surveys, livestock covers only those that are tended and raised by an operator.
· Poultry - a collective term for all domesticated avian for the purpose of food consumption or, the carcass of such avian dressed/processed for human consumption.
· Animal Inventory (also, Animal Population) – the number of domesticated animals in head present in the farm at specific reference date.
· Backyard Farm/Raiser- refers to any farm or household raising at least one head of animal or bird and does not qualify as a commercial farm.
· Commercial Livestock Farm/Operator - refers to any livestock operator or farm which operation satisfies at least one of the following conditions: a) at least 21 head of adults and zero young b) at  least 41 head of young animals c) at least 10 head of adults and 22 head of young animals.
· Commercial Poultry Farm/Operator- refers to any poultry operator or farm which operation satisfies at least one of the following conditions: a) 500 layers or 1,000 broilers b) 100 layers and 100  broilers if raised in combination c) 100 head of duck regardless of age.