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As of December 2023, Philippine Statistics Authority - Pangasinan Provincial Statistical Office has issued ePhilIDs to 1,003,000 individuals or 40.61% of the 2,469,965 total registrants in the province for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) since the implementation was started on October of 2022.

PHOTO: PhilSys ePhilID Personnel during a house-to-house distribution of the printed ePhilIDs or the digital version of the Philippine Identification (PhilID) card.

Since both public and private sectors have recognized and accepted the ePhilID, PSA Pangasinan has been effective in promoting its use and significance. This proactive strategy of the PSA allows Filipinos to immediately enjoy the benefits of being registered with PhilSys, while waiting for the physical PhilID to be eventually issued.


PHOTO: A registrant claiming her ePhilID during a plaza-type distribution in Brgy. San Vicente, Sta. Maria, Pangasinan.

PSA Field Offices will continue conducting PhilSys registration and other identification services throughout 2024. These services will include ePhilID issuance, updating of demographic information, and delivery of Return-to-Sender (RTS) PhilIDs, among others. PSA aims to continuously provide all Filipinos a valid proof of identification.


Chief Statistical Specialist  
Provincial Statistical Office - Pangasinan

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PDF PANG-SR-2024-004 343.24 KB

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