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Population increased at the rate of 1.57 percent annually

Based on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN2015), the municipality of Santo Tomas, La Union posted a total population of 39,066 persons as of August 1, 2015. This is an increase of 3067persons over the total population of 35,999 persons in 2010 CPH. The increase in the population count from 2010 to 2015 translated to an average annual population growth rate (PGR) of 1.57 percent. This is higher than the 1.44percent annual PGR of the municipality between the census years 2000 and 2010.


Population increased by 16 persons per year for every 1,000 persons

The increase in the population count in Santo Tomas from 2010 to 2015 translated to an average annual population growth rate (PGR) of 1.57 percent. This means that there were about 16 persons added per year for every 1,000 persons in the population.

The  said annual PGR was higher than the annual PGR of 1.44 percent during the period 2000 to 2010 and at 1.33 percent during the period 1990 to 2000.

If the average annual PGR recorded at 1.57 percent during the period 2010 to 2015 continues, the population of Santo Tomas, La Union would double in 45 years.

Fifty five years ago, the population of Santo Tomas, La Union was only 14,929persons. This population size is almost two-fifth of the population in the 2015 Census of Population.


Barangay Patacwas the most populous in 2015

Among the 24barangays in the municipality of Santo Tomas, LaUnion, Barangay Patac was the most populous with a population size making up 8.06 percent of the total municipal population. Barangay Tubod was second with 7.40 percent share, followed by barangay Damortis with 7.04 percent, Namboongan with 6.35 percent, Bail with 6.14 percent and Namonitan with 5.51percent.

The least populated area was barangay Malabago with1.37 percentshare to the total population of the municipality(534 persons).


Sex ratio recorded at 103 males per 100 females

Of the 39,066-household population in 2015, males accounted for 50.71 percent while females comprised 49.29 percent. These figures resulted in a sex ratio of 103 males for every 100 females, lower than the 104 sex ratio recorded in 2010.


Median age increased to 25.26 years

In 2015, the median age of the population in Santo Tomas was 25.26 years, which means that half of the population was younger than 25.26 years. This is higher than the median age of 23.75 years that was recorded in 2010.

Children aged 5 to 9 years (10.45 percent) comprised the largest age group, followed by those in the age groups 10 to 14 years (9.60percent) and 0 to 4 years (10.81percent).  Males outnumbered females in the age groups 0 to 54 years. On the other hand, there were more females than males in the older age groups55 years and over.


More than three fifths of the total population were of voting age

The voting-age population (18 years and over) accounted for 63.14 percent of the household population of Santo Tomas in 2015, up from 60.92 percent in 2010.  There were more males with 50.03 percent than females with 49.97 percent among the voting-age population.


Almost one tenth of the household population were senior citizens

The senior citizens population (60 years and over) accounted for 8.91 percent of the household population of the municipality in 2015, up from 7.90 percent in 2010.  There were more females (56.68 percent) than males (43.32 percent) among the senior citizens population.


Dependency ratio decreased to 58 dependents per 100 persons in the working age group

In 2015, the young dependents    (0 to 14 years) comprised 30.85 percent of the household population while the old dependents (65 yearsand over) posted a share of 5.92 percent. The working-age population (15 to 64 years) accounted for the remaining 63.23 percent.     

The overall dependency ratio was 58, which indicates that for every 100 working-agepopulation, there were about 58 dependents(49 young dependents and 9 old dependents). This ratio is lower than the dependency ratio in 2010, which was recorded at 63 dependents per 100 working-age population.


There were more males than females among the never-married persons

Of the household population 10 years old and over, 41.38 percent were married while 42.17percent were never married. The rest of the population were categorized as follows: widowed (5.05 percent), common-law/live-in marital arrangement (9.71 percent), and divorced/separated (1.68 percent).

Among the never married persons, 55.37 percent were males while 44.63 percent were females. For the rest of the categories for marital status, the females outnumbered the males.


More females had attained higher levels of education

Of the total population five years old and over, 29.40 percent had attended or completed elementary education while 41.52 percent had reached or finished high school. Moreover, 1.41 percent had attended or completed post-secondary schooling, 9.64percent were college undergraduates, and 12.84percent were academic degree holders. Among those with an academic degree, the females (55.19 percent) outnumbered the males (44.81 percent).  Similarly, more females (52.38) than males (47.62) had pursued post baccalaureate courses.


Literacy rate was posted at 99.43 percent

Of the household population age 10 years old and over, 99.43 percent were literate. Among those who were literate, males (50.46percent) slightly outnumbered the females (49.54 percent).


Seven in every ten school age population currently attending school

Of the15,146-household population 5-24 years, 68.78 percent were attending school. Of those persons reported to be attending school, 37.75 percent were aged 5-9 years, 35.01 percent were aged 10-14 years, 23.11 percent were aged 15-19 years, and the remaining 4.14 percent were between 20-24 years.


Roman Catholics accounted for 90.26 percent of Santo Tomas’ total population

Among the total population in Santo Tomas, La Union in 2015, 90.26 percent reported Roman Catholic as their religious affiliation. The next largest religious affiliation in the municipality was the Evangelicals (Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches) with  2.56 percent.  This was followed by Iglesiani Cristo with  2.49 percent, Jehovah’s Witness with 1.44 percent, and Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ Incorporated with 0.72 percent.


Female overseas workers outnumbered their male counterpart

Of the 27,013-household population 15 years old and over in Santo Tomas, La Union, 5.50 percent (1,485 persons) were overseas workers.  Female overseas workers outnumbered their male counterpart. They comprised 52.66 percent of all the overseas workers in the municipality. Overseas workers aged 25 to 29 years made up the largest age group, comprising 22.29 percent of the total overseas workers, followed by those in the age groups 30 to 34 years (19.87 percent), 45 years and over (19.60 percent), and 35 to 39 years (17.44 percent).


Male gainful workers outnumbered their female counterpart

Of the 27,013-household population 15 years old and over inSanto Tomas, La Union, 58.68 percent (or 15,850persons) were gainful workers.  Male gainful workers outnumbered their female counterpart.  They comprised 65.56 percent of all the gainful workers from this municipality.  The skilled agricultural forestry and fishery workers made up the largest percentage (24.63 percent) of the total gainful workers from this municipality in 2015, followed by service and sales workers (22.78 percent), elementary occupations (19.56 percent), and plant and machine operators and assemblers (9.24 percent).           


Average household size was 4.3 persons

The number of households in 2015 was recorded at 8,996, higher by 1,010 households compared with the 7,986 households posted in 2010.  The average household size in 2015 was 4.3 persons, lower than the average household size in 2010.




  • Population growth rate - the rate at which the population is increasing (or decreasing) in a given period due to natural increase and net migration, expressed as a percentage of the base population.


  • Total population - the sum of the household population and institutional population. It also includes Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad


  • Household population - comprises of persons who belong to a household, the basic criterion of which is the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides


  • Institutional population - the population enumerated in collective or institutional living quarters such as: dormitories/lodging houses, jails/prisons, military camps, convents/seminaries, and mental hospitals


  • Household a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food


  • Average household size - the average number of persons who live in the household, computed as the household population in a given area divided by the corresponding total number of households in that area


  • Head of the household - an adult person, male or female, who is responsible for the organization and care of the household, or who is regarded as such by the members of the household


  • Sex ratio - the ratio of males to females in a given population, expressed as the number of males per 100 females


  • Age - the interval of time between a person’s date of birth and the census reference date (1 August 2015). Expressed in completed years (as of last birthday), it is recorded in whole number


  • Median age - the age at which exactly half of the population is younger than this age and the other half is older than it


  • Overall dependency ratio - the ratio of persons in the dependent ages (under 15 years old and over 64 years old) to persons in the economically active or working ages (15 to 64 years old) in the population


  • Marital status - the personal status of each individual with reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country


  • Religious affiliation - a particular system of beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and behaviors constituting man’s relationship with the powers and principalities of the universe


  • School attendance rate - the proportion of persons 5 to 24 years old who were attending school during the School Year June 2015 to March 2016 to school-age population (5 to 24 years old)


  • Simple literacy rate - the proportion of persons aged 10 years and over who are able to read and write a simple message in any language or dialect


  • Highest grade / year completed - the highest grade or year completed in school, college or university


  • Usual activity / occupation - the kind of job or business, which a person aged 15 years and over was engaged in most of the time during the 12 months preceding the census


  • Overseas worker - a household member (15 years old and over) who is out of the country due to an overseas employment


The 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) was undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in August 2015 as mandated by Republic Act No. 10625, otherwise known as the Philippine Statistics Act of 2013.  It was the 14th census of population that was undertaken since the first census in 1903. POPCEN 2015 was designed to take an inventory of the total population all over the Philippines and collect information about their characteristics. Census day for the POPCEN 2015 was August 1, 2015 (12:01 a.m.).  POPCEN 2015 made use of the de jure concept of enumeration wherein households and persons are enumerated in the area where they usually reside as of the census reference date. Enumeration lasted for about 25 days, from 10 August to 6 September 2015. Enumeration was extended until 15 September 2015 for large provinces and some highly urbanized cities.





(Supervising Statistical Specialist)
