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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – La Union Provincial Statistical Office conducted the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration Provincial Level Training on November 19-24, 2020 at Marand Resort and Spa, Baccuit Sur, Bauang, La Union to prepare its workforce in the implementation of PhilSys Step 2 Registration in the province.

To adhere with the new normal, the provincial level training was conducted in two batches with three classes each.  The participants were also instructed to abide with health and safety protocols like use of face mask, face shield and alcohol, proper handwashing, and physical distancing.  Dr.  Danites E. Teñido,Chief Statistical Specialist; Statistical Specialist II Susan Cora F. Hufana,PhilSys Provincial Focal Person; Registration Officer I (RO I) Leny Grace S. Balanon; RO I Karl Josef G.  Hufana; and the PhilSys Coordination Team (PCT) served as trainers. 

The training aimedto equip the registration team with the knowledge and skills necessary for the conduct of Step 2 Registration.  Specifically, it aimed to ensure that participants understand and able to apply key concepts, definitions and guidelines related to the registration process; equip the participants with skills needed to operate the registration kit; familiarize the participants on registration procedures and concerns; and educate the participants on the prescribed health and safety standards to mitigate risks related to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Republic Act No. 11055 or the “Philippine Identification System Act” was signed into law on August 6, 2018.  This established the PhilSys as a foundational identification system for all citizens and resident aliens in the Philippines aimed at improving the lives of all citizens and resident aliens of the Philippines by making access, delivery and administration of government and private sector services easier, broader, cheaper, faster, more secure, and more responsive to people’s needs while ensuring that the people’s right to privacy, confidentiality, and other basic rights are at all times upheld and protected. 

For the 2020 roll-out, registration will be conducted in two stepsin selected 32 provinces in the country including La Union.   Step 1 involves collecting the demographic data in advance through assisted pre-registration while Step 2 of the registration involves capturing of biometric information at the registration center.  The PhilSys Step 2 Registration will be conducted to at least five million household heads from the nine million low-income target applicants to be pre-registered in the selected provinces in the last quarter of 2020.  ###





Chief Statistical Specialist