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Municipal fisheries production increased by 17.52 percent

Municipal fisheries production in llocos Region recorded 6,219.04 metric tons output during the 3rd quarter 2021.Thisis 17.52 percent higher than the 5,291.68 metric tons produced in 3rd quarter 2020. The province of La Union had the highest contribution to the overall increment in the volume of municipal fisheries production in the region with a growth rate of 58.33 percent while Pangasinan registered the lowest growth rate of 2.05 percent.

By fishing ground classification, marine municipal fisheries production lifted up the subsector's performance posted a 22.18 percent increment from 4,460.61 metric tons in 3rd quarter 2020. On the other hand, the inland fisheries production declined by 7.48 percent from 831.07 metric tons in the 3rd quarter 2020 to 768.93 metric tons in the same quarter of 2021.

Marine Municipal

Marine municipal fisheries production in the region registered 5,450.11 metric tons. The said output contributed 87.64 percent of the total municipal fisheries production in 3rd quartet 2A21.

By provincial share, La Union contributed 1 ,586.28 metric tons, equivalent to 29.11 percent to the region's marine municipal production in the 3rd quarter 2021. Ilocos Norte followed with a production of 1,455.20 metric tons or 26.70 percent, Pangasinan with 1,209.54 metric tons equivalent to 22.19 percent, and llocos Sur by 1,199.09 metric tons or 22.00 percent of the total marine municipa! production of the region.

The top five dominant catch in marine municipal fisheries of llocos Region were roundscad, cavalla, big-eyed scad, slipmouth, and yellowfin tuna.

lnland Municipal Fisheries

lnland Municipal fisheries production in the region marked an output of 768.93 metric tons or 12.36 percent of total municipal fishery production in 3rd quarter 2021.

Pangasinan, with 364.77 metric tons output accounted 47.44 percent of the total volume of inland munipal fisheries production. llocos Sur followed with 198.51 metric tons or 25.82 percent share, La Union with 164.34 metric tons or 21.37 percent share, while llocos Norte registered 41.31 metric tons or 5.37 percent.

The top five dominant catch in inland municipal fisheries of llocos Region in 3rd quarter 2021 were tilapia, oyster, freshwater goby, milkfish, and freshwater shrimp.






Regional Director, RSSO I