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Municipal Fisheries

The overall municipal fisheries production in Ilocos Region went up  by 6.34 percent in 2020. The production was posted  at 28,060 metric tons, higher than its output in 2019  of 26,388 metric tons. All the provinces, except Pangasinan, contributed to the overall increment in the volume of fisheries production of the region. 

Marine Municipal

Production of Marine Municipal Fisheries in Ilocos Region increased  in 2020.  The output was posted at 25,377 metric tons, higher  by 4.01 percent than the output in 2019 of 24,398 metric tons. All the provinces, except Pangasinan, contributed to the overall increment in the volume of production. 

The province of  Pangasinan contributed 41.87 percent  to the region’s marine municipal fish catch in 2020. The province recorded 10,626 metric tons, lower than the output in 2019 of 12,158 metric tons. Lesser fishing operations due to restrictions by enforcers amid the pandemic, lesser fishing days due to gale warnings caused by several typhoons, and smaller sizes of catch resulted to lower volume of fish catch.

Ilocos Norte shared 23.33 percent to the total marine municipal fisheries

production in 2020. This is 5,920 metric tons higher than  the output a year ago of 5,200 metric tons. More fishing days, abundant and  bigger sizes of catch, and presence of school of fish contributed  to the increment of output.  

Ilocos Sur which shared 17.58 percent to the total marine municipal fish catch of the region in 2020 posted an increment in output.  From the 4,451 metric tons record in 2019, it went up to 4,462 metric tons due to the increased fishing days, presence of more school of fish, and bigger sizes of catch.

The province of La Union contributed 17.22 percent to the total  marine municipal fisheries volume of production in 2020. Its production during the period went up by 68.77 percent from 2,589 metric tons in 2019 to 4,369 metric tons in 2020. More fishing days due to absence of destructive typhoons, presence of school of fish, and bigger sizes of catch were recorded and resulted to higher output.  

The dominant catch in marine municipal fisheries of Ilocos Region during the period were Squid, Roundscad, Yellowfin tuna, Cavalla, and Skipjack.

Inland Municipal Fisheries

Production of Inland Municipal Fisheries in the Ilocos Region grew  by 34.85 percent in 2020. From the output of 1,990 metric tons in 2019,  it went up to 2,683 metric tons in 2020. All the provinces registered positive growth in output. 

In terms of provincial distribution, the province of Ilocos Sur contributed 39.81 percent to the region’s inland municipal fish catch  in 2020. The province recorded 1,068 metric tons, higher than the output in 2019 of 838 metric tons. More fish shelters were set up and harvested, more frequent fishing operations due to better price of fishery products, and more gatherers of molluscs resulted to higher volume of inland municipal fish catch.

La Union shared 28.28 percent to the total inland municipal fisheries production in 2020. The 759 metric tons output was higher than the output a year ago of 401 metric tons. Increased fishing days, favorable water level, good water parameters, and more harvest from dispersal projects contributed to the increment in production. 


Pangasinan which shared 24.96 percent to the total inland municipal fish catch of the region in 2020  posted increment in output. From the 582 metric tons record in 2019, it went up to 670 metric tons due to good water parameters and more catch from newly set fish shelters.

The province of Ilocos Norte contributed 6.95 percent  to the total inland municipal fisheries volume of production of the region  in 2020. Its production during the period went up from 169 metric tons in 2019 to 187 metric tons due to increased fishing days, more fishing gears used, bigger sizes and more catch in fish shelters.

The top five major catch in the region during the period were Tilapia, Freshwater goby, Carp, Oyster, and Blue crab.




Officer-in-Charge, RSSO I