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The volume of commercial fisheries production in Ilocos Region was posted at 1,468.70 metric tons and covers 0.53 percent of the 275,315.88 metric tons total Philippines’ production in the second quarter 2022.


Ilocos Region commercial fisheries production was 45.80% percent higher than the production of 1,007.32 metric tons in second quarter 2021. The provinces of La Union and Ilocos Sur posted decreases in production of 63.19 percent and 32.64 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, Pangasinan’s production nearly multiplied by 2.5, posting 1268.03 metric tons.


Pangasinan contributed 86.34 percent of the region’s commercial fisheries production of 1,268.03 metric tons, while both La Union and Ilocos Sur shared 6.75 percent, and 6.91 percent, respectively.


The highest volume of fish caught in commercial fisheries of the Ilocos Region was roundscad with a share of 25.61 percent of the total region’s production. The second highest was skipjack or gulyasan with 267.87 metric tons output, followed by frigate tuna or tulingan with 203.97 metric tons. Rank fourth and fifth were yellowfin tuna and eastern little tuna with 175.88 metric tons and 116.03 metric tons, respectively. All top fish species posed increases in production. Other commercial fish species have at most 17 metric tons of production.


Commercial Fisheries Production by Province

In the second quarter 2022, Ilocos Sur’s commercial fisheries garnered 102 metric tons, which is 32.64 percent lower than the second quarter 2021. There were three (3) species recorded during the period which are roundscad, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna. Among the three species, roundscad and skipjack recorded past 45 metric tons at 49.83 metric tons and 46.58 metric tons, respectively. Meanwhile, yellowfin tuna recorded 5.12 metric tons or 5.04 percent of the province's commercial fisheries production.

The province of La Union accounts for 99.14 metric tons of commercial fish production. The production is 63.19 percent lower than last year's second quarter. The top specie in the province is slipmoth having a share equivalent to 7.39 metric tons, followed by hairtail and indian mackarel at 6.24 metric tons and 6.05 metric tons, respectively. Also recorded above five metric tons are goatfish (5.75 metric tons) and threadfin tuna (5.65 metric tons). The production of each remaining species recorded less than five metric tons.



Pangasinan covers 86.34 percent of the region’s total production at 1,268.03 metric tons of commercial fish production. The record is 115.93 percent higher comparing with the second quarter 2021 production. All the top five fish species in the province recorded at least 110 metric tons with roundscad or galunggong lead at 326.34 metric tons.  Skipjack and frigate tuna recorded above 200 metric tons with 221.29 metric tons and 203.97 metric tons, respectively. Yellowfin tuna ranked fourth while eastern little tuna ranked five accounting for 170.77 metric tons, and 114.15 metric tons, respectively. Fish species aside from the top five recorded at most eleven metric tons.



Regional Director, RSSO I