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The banana production in Ilocos Region was pegged at 44,411.05 metric tons in 2021, recording an increase of 1.86 percent from the production in 2020 at 43,599.46 metric tons. All provinces in the region registered production increases in 2021. The highest producer in the region was Pangasinan with an output of 15,828.58 metric tons, which contributed 35.64 percent to the regional output. This was followed by Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, and La Union with shares of 24.52 percent (10,890.43 metric tons), 22.14 percent (9,832.05 metric tons), and 17.70 percent (7,859.58 metric tons), respectively. (Table 1 and Figure 1)

By variety, banana saba recorded the highest production of 22,726.95 metric tons, representing 51.17 percent of the total production in Ilocos Region. This was followed by banana latundan with a share of 34.86 percent equivalent to 15,482.52 metric tons, banana others and banana bungulan with shares of 8.53 percent or 3,786.07 metric tons and 3.92 percent or 1,742.84 metric tons, respectively. Meanwhile, banana lakatan had the least contribution of 1.52 percent or 672.68 metric tons. (Figure 2)


In 2021, Ilocos Region’s mango production was recorded at 172,469.08 metric tons. It is lower by 3.24 percent compared to the production of 178,244.02 metric tons in 2020. Production decreases were noted in La Union by 17.53 percent, Ilocos Norte by 3.39 percent and Pangasinan by 2.19 percent. Meanwhile, Ilocos Sur recorded production increase of 9.31 percent or 10,524.57 metric tons. Bulk of the regional output was recorded in Pangasinan with share of 70.98 percent or 122,420.70 metric tons. (Table 1)

Looking at figure 3, all varieties of mango registered decreased production. Mango carabao decreased by 5,040.09 metric tons from the noted production of 143,510.08 metric tons in 2020 to 138,469.99 metric tons in 2021. Meanwhile, the reported production of mango others in 2020 at 32,505.82 metric tons have decreased by 687.53 metric tons, obtaining a production of 31,818.29 metric tons in 2021. As for the production of mango piko, it decreased by 47.32 metric tons from 2, 228.12 metric tons in 2020 to 2,180.80 metric tons in 2021.


The papaya production in the region in 2021 decreased by 0.93 percent. In 2020, the production was recorded at 3,607.00 metric tons, slightly dropped to 3,573.36 metric tons in 2021. Production decreases were noted in La Union, Pangasinan, and Ilocos Sur. (Table 1)

By type, papaya native has the biggest contribution in the regional production in 2021 of about 62.69 percent. In 2021, the production of native papaya was 2,240.30 metric tons, a decrease of 1.11 percent from the output of 2,265.41 metric tons in 2020. Likewise, papaya hawaiian production of 1,179.25 metric tons in 2021 decreased by 0.59 percent or 7.03 metric tons compared to 2020 production of 1,186.28 metric tons. Meanwhile, papaya solo, which has the least contribution in the regional production, went down by 1.49 metric tons from the recorded production of 155.31 metric tons in 2020 to 153.82 metric tons in 2021.


The watermelon production in Ilocos Region was recorded at 28,782.39 metric tons in 2021. A slight increase of 0.46 percent or 131.86 metric tons was noted from the recorded production of 28,650.53 metric tons in 2020. (Table 1)

It can be gleaned in figure 5 that the province of Pangasinan was the major contributor in the overall production of watermelon. During the period, Pangasinan’s production was 23,461.45 metric tons recording 468.90 metric tons increase from the 2020 production of 22, 992.55 metric tons. The province of Ilocos Sur also contributed increase of 20.62 metric tons from the production of 1,042.25 metric tons in 2020 to 1,062.87 metric tons in 2021. On the other hand, La Union and Ilocos Norte recorded decreases of 223.81 metric tons and 133.86 metric tons, respectively, in their production.


Ilocos Region’s calamansi production in 2021 was recorded at 3,508.58 metric tons. This is 48.32 metric tons higher than the production in 2020 at 3,460.26 metric tons. (Table 1)

Among the four (4) provinces, Ilocos Sur was the only province that registered drop in production by 5.47 percent compared to the 2020 production of 758.57 metric tons. Meanwhile, La Union, Ilocos Norte, and Pangasinan recorded increases in production.

The production in La Union increased by 57.09 metric tons from the recorded production of 796.64 metric tons in 2020 to 853.73 metric tons in 2021. This was followed by Ilocos Norte with 21.02 metric tons increase from 295.87 metric tons in 2020 to 316.89 metric tons in 2021. Pangasinan recorded the least growth of 11.7 metric tons from the recorded production of 1,609.18 metric tons in 2020 to 1,620.88 metric tons in 2021.


In 2021, pineapple production in Ilocos Region at 206.66 metric tons marked slight decrease of 2.20 percent from the production of 211.30 metric tons in 2020. (Table 1)

The production in the provinces of Ilocos Norte and Pangasinan posted decreases of 33.39 percent and 6.83 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, Ilocos Sur and La Union marked increases in production by 15.20 percent and 10.64 percent, respectively.





Regional Director, RSSO I