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COCONUT (with husk)

Coconut production showed an increasing trend from 2018 to 2021. The region recorded an output of 44,328.92 metric tons in 2021, higher by 0.72 percent from 44,012.42 metric tons in 2020.

Production of young coconut in 2021 was recorded at 32,607.16 metric tons, contributing 73.56 percent of the coconut production in the region. This output was higher by 1.16 percent from the 32,234.01 metric tons produced in 2020.

Mature coconut shared 26.44 percent of the coconut production with an output of 11,721.76 metric tons in 2021. This is slightly lower by 0.48 percent from the 11,778.41 metric tons produced in 2020.

The province of Pangasinan has the highest volume of production at 30,439.82 metric tons or 68.67 percent to the production of the region. Ilocos Norte contributed 13.42 percent with an output of 5,947.88 metric tons, and Ilocos Sur at 5,354.11 metric tons with a share of 12.08 percent.
La Union has the least contribution in coconut production with a share of 5.83 percent.

COFFEE (Dried Berries with pulp)

The production of coffee dried berries in the region was recorded at 155.37 metric tons in 2021. This was lower than the output of 158.03 metric tons in 2018, but higher than the 2019 and 2020 output of 154.99 metric tons, and 153.15 metric tons, respectively.

Coffee Arabica was the most produced type in the region, which contributed 74.14 metric tons or 47.72 percent to the total coffee production. This was followed by robusta with a share of 44.06 percent. Excelsa and Liberica had the least production of 12.73 metric tons, and 0.04 metric tons, respectively with a collective share of 8.22 percent.

Ilocos Sur was the top producer of coffee in Ilocos Region with 68.51 metric tons or 44.10 percent of the region’s output in 2021. Pangasinan closely followed with 42.73 percent share equivalent to 66.39 metric tons. The provinces of La Union and Ilocos Norte contributed 11.37 percent, and 1.80 percent to the region’s coffee production, respectively.


The region’s sugarcane production of 19,397.31 metric tons in 2021 declined by 1.15 percent. This was also lower than the outputs in 2018 and 2020.

Sugarcane for panocha/muscovado recorded the highest production at 13,984.63 metric tons contributing 72.10 percent of the total sugarcane produced in the region. Production of sugarcane for basi/vinegar reached 5,247.42 metric tons, comprising 27.05 percent share. Sugarcane for chewing, on the other hand, has the least production at 165.26 metric tons in 2021 with a share of 0.85 percent production in the region.


By province, more than half of the sugarcane production was from Ilocos Norte with an output of 10,332.74 metric tons or 53.27 percent of the overall production. Pangasinan, and Ilocos Sur followed with a production of 3,939.30 metric tons, and 3,051.64 metric tons, respectively. La Union has the least production at 2,073.64 metric tons.


In 2021, production of tobacco in Ilocos Region was 35,652.30 metric tons. This was higher than the production in 2018 and 2019 but lower by 1.76 percent from the 36,290.02 metric tons in 2020.

In terms of variety, tobacco virginia topped all other tobacco varieties with 25,242.68 metric tons or 70.80 percent share to the total production. This was followed by tobacco native with a 12.67 percent share, and tobacco others with 16.53 percent share.

By province, Ilocos Sur posted the highest tobacco production with 21,834.56 metric tons or 61.24 percent of the region’s output. Pangasinan,
La Union, and Ilocos Norte distantly followed with 16.36 percent, 12.92 percent, and 9.48 percent, respectively.



Regional Director, RSSO I