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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – La Union Provincial Statistical Office implements the first round of the monthly Labor Force Survey (LFS) on February 8 to 24, 2021 integrating the use of tablet with Computer Aided Data Collection System (CADaCS).


Starting February 2021, monthly LFS will be conducted in between quarterly LFS to generate national level labor and employment statistics from the survey.  The conduct of the monthly LFS is based on PSA Board Resolution No. 08, Series of 2020, “Approving the Conduct of the Monthly LFS and Generation of Monthly Labor and Employment Statistics,” aimed to provide high frequency statistical information on the Philippine labor market to better understand the current situation of employment and the economy of the Philippines during the unprecedented Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. 


The monthly LFS is important in providing flash indicators on labor and employment statistics including relevant indicators related to the COVID-19 pandemic as basis for the recovery policies and programs setting.  It provides information as basis for the formulation of policies and programs on creation and generation of gainful employment and livelihood opportunities, reduction of unemployment and underemployment, and enhancement of the welfare of a working person. In addition, it is used for the projection of future human resource that will help identify employment and training needs.  It also helps in the assessment of the potential human resource available for economic development. 


In La Union, the PSA hired two Statistical Researchers (SRs) who will visit and interview randomly selected 98 sample housing units in six enumeration areas under the supervision of the Chief Statistical Specialist and the LFS Provincial Focal Person.


During data collection, the SRs can use the Paper and Pencil Interviewing (PAPI) approach if in extreme cases that the Computer-Aided Personal Interviewing (CAPI) approach is not possible because an area is deemed unsafe.  Respondents may also provide to the PSA data collectors their telephone/mobile number if they opt to be interviewed through phone interview.


The authority and mandate of PSA to conduct the February 2021 LFS emanates from Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 or the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, which states that PSA is primarily responsible for all national censuses and survey, sectoral statistics, consolidation of selected administrative recording systems and compilation of national accounts. 


The PSA ensures that all information collected from the respondents will be treated strictly confidential as stipulated in Section 26 of RA 10625 (Confidentiality of Information) and Section 8 of RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Act.  All data obtained from the survey will be released only in summary form or statistical tables. 


Moreover, proper coordination with the Local Chief Executives is done by the PSA to ensure smooth implementation of the survey in the sample barangays. All hired SRs will strictly follow precautionary measures against COVID-19 such as strict observance of social distancing, wearing of face mask/shield, and proper hygiene and sanitation at all phases of field operation.  They will also abide with the health and safety measures implemented by the Local Government Units (LGU).



Chief Statistical Specialist