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Release Date :
Reference Number :
2020 - 019
The Labor Force Survey (LFS) provides statistics on levels and trends of employment, unemployment and underemployment of the country and regions. lt is used for the projection of future human resource and helps in the assessment of the potential human resource available for economic development.
ln llocos Region, there were about 3,534 thousand population 15 years old and over in January 2019, an increase of 0.9 percent from 3,502 thousand persons 15 years old and over in the region in January 2018.

Employment lndicators


Labor Force Participation Rate of llocos Region is 61.3 percent

  • The result of the January 2019 LFS showed that the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of llocos Region was estimated at 61 .3 percent. The LFPR of the region in January 2019 was lower by 2.0 percentage points compared with the LFPR recorded in January 2018 at 63.3 percent.
  • Similarly, the LFPR of the country decreased by 2.0 percentage points from 62.2 percent in January 2018 to 60.2 percent in January 2019.
Employment Rate of llocos Region increases by 1.5 percentage points
  • The employmenl rate of the region in January 2019 was estimated at 94.8 percent. This is 1.5 percentage points higher compared with the employment rate recorded in January 2018 at 93.3 percent.
  • The employment rate of the country in January 2019 at 94.8 percent was the same with the employment rate of llocos Region in the same period.
  • Across regions, llocos Region ranked tenth highest in employment rate as shown in Figure 1. Cagayan Valley registered the highest employment rate at 96.9 perr,ent followed by westem
    Visayas at 96.1 percent.
Underemployment rate is down by 12.7 percentage points
  • The underemployment rate of the region decreased by 12.7 percentage points from 27.9 percentin January 2018 to 15.2 percent in January 2019.
  • Likewise, there is a decrease of 2.4 percentage points in the underemployment rate of the country from 18.0 percent in January 2018 to 15.6 percent in January 2019.
Males dominate females in terms of employment
  • Figure 2 reflects that males (62.20/o) dominated females (37.8o/o) in terms of employment in January 2019.\
  • Employed males (61.6%) also outnumbered employed females (38.4%) in January 2018.
  • lt can also be observed in the figure the increase in the proportion of employed males by 0.6 percentage point from January 2018 to January 2019.
Highest Educational Attainment
  • Figure 3 reflects that more than half (51.6%) of the employed persons in llocos Region in January 2019 were either in junior high school level or graduated from junior high school. ln January 2018, those who attained junior high school level or graduated from junior high school also had the biggest proportion of employed persons in the region with 49.4 percent share. This posted an increase o12.2 percantage points in the proportion of employed persons who attained junior high school or graduated from junior high school from January 2018 to January 2019.
  • On the other end, those with no grade completed comprised the smallest proportion of 0.1 percent share in the region in January 2019. ln January 2018, employed persons who attained senior high school and graduated from senior high school comprised the smallest proportion of 0.2 percent.
Services lead industry employment in llocos Region in January 2019
  • Figure 4 shows that the biggest proportion (58.3 %) of employed persons in llocos Region in January 2019 worked in Services. Simitarly, in January 2018, employed persons in Services in the region also recorded the largest share of 54.9 percent.
  • This was followed by those who worked in Agriculture with 27.7 percent share and 23.6 percent share in January 2018 and January 2019 respectively.
  • Those who were employed in lndustry comprised the smallest proportion of employed persons in January 2018 and January 2019 with 17.4 percent share and 18.1 percent share respectively.
  • The figure also reflects that workers in Services increased by 3.4 percentage points from January 2018 to January 2019. Workers in lndustry also recorded a 0.7 percentage point increase from January 2018 to January 2019.
  • On the other hand, employed persons in Agriculture decreased by 4.1 percentage points in January 2019 from the same period of 2018.
Elementary occupations comprise the biggest number of employed persons
  • lt can be gleaned in Figure 5 that workers who belong to elementary occupations comprised the biggest group making up 30.6 percent of the total employed persons in the region in January 2019. This was followed by service and sales workers with 18.0 percent share in the same period.
  • Similarly, those who belong to elementary occupations had the highest proportion of employed persons in January 2018 with 31.0 percent share followed by service and sales workers with 15.7 percent share.
  • On the other hand, the smallest occupation group was recorded by the armed forces and special occupations with less than one percent share both in January 2018 and January 2019.
Wage and salary workers record the highest number of employed
  • Figure 6 shows that wage and salary workers contributed the biggest share to the total employed persons in January 2018 and January 2019 with 61.7 percent share and 63.2 percent share respectively.
  • Employed persons who worked without pay in own-family operated farm or business accounted the least proportion recorded with 5.7 percent share in January 2019. Employer in own family-operated from or business recorded the least proportion in January 2018 at 5.3 percent share.
Employed persons who worked for 40 hours and over post highest employment
  • Employed persons who worked for 40 hours and over recorded the biggest proportion of the total employed persons in the region with 64.9 percent share. This posted a 3.8 percentage points increase in the proportion of employed persons who worked for 40 hours and over a week at 61 .1 percent in January 2018.
  • Meanwhile, a decrease of 2.4 percentage points was observed in the proportion of employed persons who worked under 20 hours a week in the region from 18.9 percent share in January 2018 to 16.5 percent share in January 2019.
The mean number of weeks looking for work is 4.3
  • ln terms of job hunting, llocos Region landed eleventh as to lowest duration of unemployed persons looking for work with an average of 4.3 weeks as shown in Figure 8.
  • Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) recorded the lowest mean number of weeks for unemployed persons looking for work with 3.0 weeks.
  • On the other hand, the longest duration of unemployed persons looking for work was posted by National Capital Region (NCR) with an average of 6.4 weeks.